need financial advice

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by imaflirt2014, Nov 3, 2014.

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  1. He will shake his little thang for money
  2. Don't Google It if you are afraid of clowns. Fair warning.
  3. Anything is legal if they don't catch you
  4. Very true
  5. Move to Texas and go to work in the oil field. Hard work and dedication will get you what ur looking for.
  6. It will also give you lots of kaw time.
  7. im not man enough for the oil field
  8. Bang women for a living
  9. Man enough???? Pft that's a cop out. U can do anything u are willing to try for.
  10. Excuses must mean that you're not desperate enough.
  11. Op asked.
  12. Donate plasma and blood. Get $40 bucks a week and free ****. Plus you can put it on a resume and be like like I donated more gallons of blood this year than you have drank milk this year. Blows people the **** out.

  13. Time to run the street start with $5 blowjobs ask -Nawhal how he did it.
  14. Sell your semen to a sperm bank.
  15. Sell your body for money
  16. 
  17. You're broke and have a smart phone...makes sense
  18. [​IMG]

    Window washer is a great start
  19. Seems legit
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