Name the Game [New ATA Game]

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by 4A6F73-HEX-687561, Aug 19, 2016.

  1. Now they're abusing people's addictions lol. I can't imagine how many people who buy the fake coins to play the slots xD
  2. Yep, this is a new game some at the company have been working on for a while now. We gave a bit of information back in June of 2015 here.

    Chunky Wars is being made by an entirely separate team from Kingdoms at War and our other ATA games who are focused entirely on creating new products. As a company, we continue to work on new and existing games, looking to expand our product offerings and grow as a company.

    I don't have any further details on Chunky Wars for you guys, other than at this point a Q1 2017 date is the target for the game, though of course this may change as development continues.

    Not sure why you think I'm the one who decided such a thing, but it's simply not true. Chunky Wars was a decision made by a large collection of people at the company, including our founders. As Community Manager, it's definitely outside of my role to make such a decision.

    As another note, I'm the only Community Manager Kingdoms at War has actually had. I try my best to relay feedback to the development team and make suggestions where possible to better the community, content, and more. In the end however, final decisions lies on the Product Team. There's no single person who can dictate the game's direction. Though we've definitely made many tweaks and I've fought for you guys for things such as the ASW's, PvP based events, and more.

    In an existing game, change is generally slower and not as game-changing as in a newly launched game. This is because as a game gets older creating huge change tends to disrupt the existing gameplay and what players have come to love about the game. But, we're continuing to look for ways to improve.
  3. "Hoover" because it sucks
  4. changed name to Ata Entertainment?
  5. I would expect that the wing of ATA that buys games rather than develops from nothing has that branch name :)
  6. Casino X was actually created by A Thinking Ape quite some time ago. It was originally launched on its own under a different brand, and has since been brought back into our main A Thinking Ape family of games.
  7. That actually explains a lot, since it had many similar formats to other ATA games, and has the exact same popups (which I had previously assumed were added after the purchase). I assumed the other similarities were part of the reason you would have bought it, but it appears that wasn't the case. Sorry for providing false information, although the slight research (asking players in game) I had done pointed towards that being what happened.
  8. It's called Lego-Minecraft :)

    Just don't make it into Clunky Wars. Lol
  9. Heck, if they did that then I'll download 10/10 times :lol:
  10. Clash of clans pirates