N00b-Speak Dictionary

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IamKingCole, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. and? You made a terrible *second* impression, so I think I speak for the forums when I say please leave again.

    (hope this doesn't backfire on me)
  2. 
  3. He is now spamming, one of two things that allow you to demand him to leave your thread. If you decide to do so, and he persists, he could be forum banned.
  4. Thank you both. Xplorer, please leave, your posts are pointless and don't pertain tp the subject at all.
  5. He's forum banned, so he left a while ago. Just an FYI
  6. Oh, ok. Thanks Cor.
  7. 7|-|3 [sledgehammer]|_|1(|< |3P\0\/\/|\| |*0>< _T|_|/\/\[]P3[) 0\/3P\ 4 |_4[sledgehammer]¥ [)0[sledgehammer)!1!1!1!1!1!1!!!1!1
  8. \\'0\\'... (0|\|6|2475 01|<!|\|6^^0|20|\|, '/0[_] 4|23 4 70741 |\|00|3 !!!

    7|-|4|\||<5 |=0|2 1377!|\|6 7|-|3 3|\|7!|23 64^^3 |<|\|0\\' |-|0\\' 5700|"!|) '/0[_] 4|23!
  9. Anyways, good one morik ^^ n00bs don't know the difference between 1337 and n00b lolz
  10. Not in anyway funny, or helpful, and you made be sad because I know I just wasted about 100m brain cells
  11. Good. Then the dictionary DID help!
  12. Odk what's with all the hate, I thought it was funny.
  13. HE gets it :cool:
  14. You wouldn't know how to speak noob if you weren't one yourself
  15. What the heck does all that stuff mean