- N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S -

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Lol at super and kozmo. Fk and I are laughing at you guys in pm even as you make fools of yourselves in forum

    I like to think that I helped to bring about the genesis of no match in some small way. I'm very glad it's here and am pleased as punch that it is working. Perhaps some tweaks are needed but the foundation for the no match system is solid.

    On a different note, I am somewhat surprised that devs keep rolling out more ideas without any input from the actual clans that war. Case in point: first 17 weeks all 4 hour wars; 18th weeks introduce some 2 hour wars. Now EE season 1 will be all 2 hour wars? Doesn't make much sense to me.
  2. @drag. If you have no match you can go to clan events --> ongoing wars and view all rosters while war is going on. You can review all matches taking place and see everyone's rosters. It should give you a better idea of what clan make ups should look like to get a better chance at match up
  3. Burgerpie is always a worm.

    Participation fluctuates. Cant be helped. Why succumb to the masses?
  4. Wulf! Tell me who I have to sleep with to get a decent mith payout. 
  5. [​IMG]

    I mean the bird gets 29more mith than me with lower plunder and fewer ko. Really? ATA must like birds better than frogs. Tell em Wulf. Tell em ill sleep with anyone for 5 extra mith. Ill swallow. Ill even eat the !
  6. Frog, to answer your question as to who you have to sleep with..

  7. Let me explain the mith payout
    Or at least what i think the formula is for your payout...

    Mith payout is based on how much it costs for a player to buy 1 mith DIVIDED into how mich money you spent on the war. Because of this, smaller builds most of the time will get a bigger payout because their mithril deos'nt cost as much as a bigger build. For example:
    Say there is a T5 BC attack build, the t5 BC attack builds Mithril cost is 1B per mith. on the other hand there is a 6M comb attack build and his mithril cost is 850m per mith. Lets say they both get exactly 1B plunder in a war and have exactly 100 Actions that are all attack actions, also assuming that everytime they hit the defender had 13 Defense pots and they attacked with 14 attack pots. Now the formula: you would add up the total cost of 1 of each attack pot and multiply that by 100 wich is around 70,000,000 •100 then add that to the product of the defense pots about 22.500,000 •100 once you have your total from that, you add how much plunder you made in the war. Once finished divide that total by how much your mithril costs.

    For the T5 BC attack build it would be: 9,250,000,000/1,000,000,000

    For the 6M comb it would be: 9.250,000,000/1,000,000,000

    The solution to each is how much mithril you earned that war how much you used the losing sides mithril earned and used = Your total mith payout.

    I may be totally wrong on this but its a pretty good conjecture.
  8. ^ my bad..forgot some punctuation..but you all smart enough to figure out what i said...I hope 

  9. Wulf- examine other clans??

    What the **** is that supposed to mean????

    We tried matching GHC sk, Cartel rising and more by getting the same numbers and same amount of big guys and still no match.

    You act as though we can just *Poof* and change your build to be identical.
  10. The number of clans participating is the key, for war 9 there was just 21 clans warring which led to some terrible match ups. I had one where it was rank 11/21 and 30 members v 12/21 and 26 members. This was well and truly the worst match up I'd seen this the new match up system and one that should have caused a no match.

    If you get 21 clans warring then there aren't going to be a hell of a lot of good match ups. Now with the apoc/zaft osw finishing you can expect to see 15+ new clans coming to war as they will have to split up their clans if they want to get match ups. Hopefully this helps the problem. One thing which will get more involvement from the mid and small clans is free war xstals, the reasons they don't war is they don't spend much money on the game and if you go into a war with no xstals then you're going to lose.

    Just my thoughts and I'm sure they've been said plenty of times before. I'll still keep buying xstals as I like to grow and do these tournaments but not everyone does.