My suggested fix for EE wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -__Cheradenine_Zakalwe__-, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Only weanies care about "fair". Fair is never attainable so why even push for fair? No support.
  2. Narrow the hit range so LB players can't smack about little guys.
  3. No support this idea is really bad no offense op but still lol
  4. I like it. Top 100 LB (hardened accounts over three or more expensive years) signing up with accounts with the size of 3 months is absurd and is abusing the system. Your idea is better than mine, I'd say trash the whole ee system cause its junk.
  5. I support this idea!!

    I warred in both S1 and S2 (and pre-seasons) as a GH in a very successful war clan and in S2 it was GH/LB with a few other builds all the way - most clans didnt stand a chance if the roster was stacked correctly. Our Pure GHs were dtw to most of the opposing roster except players up to a certain cs and our altered GHs could hit almost everyone except the top 5 ish cast and where possible we stayed clear of casting mids.

    The reason why the current system isn't working is when rosters have a mix of small and lbs cast, these rosters can match a variety of other rosters with only mids and bigs cast (due to hit ratio and CS/BFA/BFE) but as the mids/bigs cast clans don't have lbs in their roster, their bigs get stomped by the other teams bigs and lbs, and their mids become plunder leaks for the opponents bigs and smalls (smalls being GHs and other small builds who seem to still plunder well off mid builds). By restricting the signup acceptance by getting clans to cast a roster of players that can actually hit each other, this would make the matching system match rosters more accurately. If the matching algorithm currently looks as hit ratio and CS/bfe/BFA, it would force a match between rosters with similar smalls/mids/bigs and lbs cast and it would prevent rosters with no smalls cast matching rosters with smalls cast, but more importantly it would prevent rosters with no lbs cast from matching clans with lbs cast. As the GH/LB roster would no longer be acceptable, this means clans with mid sized builds would actual get matched with clans with similar builds instead of GH/LB stacked rosters.

    I also agree with another response on here that if a clan has lbs in their roster, then that clan must match another roster with lbs. However as I indicated above what the op has posted here pretty much covers that.

    So I definitely support this!!! 
  6. I actually really like this 
  7. Let me read between the lines:

    Please devs, make it so the clans that have worked to find ways to win and adjusted thru all the changes will start to lose all the time and we win all the time. You made changes, but they haven't worked because we're still losing and they're still winning.
  8. Sorry, just what it sounds like at this point.
  9. @Dres - no the thread was actually written to provide an idea as to how clan rosters and matching could be done better as there still seems to be a lot of people complaining about GH/LB rosters and getting bad matches - as in rosters with no lbs players cast are getting matched with rosters with lbs players cast.

    I think Jernau's post was just offering an idea as to how to make clan rosters fairer for all involved in ee wars which in turn make matchups better for all and will probably encourage more clans to get involved in war also.

    Was just an idea.