I thought you were ignoring me until I make enough gold from your alts that I grow so you can hit me?? Lol. Good osw strategy btw
afraid? oh heck no, don't you know anything about build mechanics? I thought your alliance taught you things. now back to that album.
I want to thank everyone that has helped me keep my string at the top. thank you once again everyone.
Hahahaha. Your "mechanics" do nothing against me. My troops make enough on the rest of your family. Silly Rogue. I can't wait to see this album your working on. I always enjoy a good laugh.
It was a butthurt response to a thread aimed at helping players throughout the community. Nobody is joining DKOD other than players from failed clans in their alliance.
Let's see. We shut down zaft who were pushing around KaW for many years. According to posts here DKOD often resorted to being bullies and let's face it. We shut you down also. Vix offered a good post on trains and the benefit of them. I personally have helped many small and new people get started. There is a couple. I am sure other members can add to this list
I also stood up against Twicc for a difference of opinions a couple years back. Got me in new age CA for a couple months. Worth it.
According to them they shut down ZAFT and freed the ally market, but fact is that all they did was take the ally market from them and are now hoarding themselves. Bravo!! Apoc members and even leaders complain about their leaderboard players hiding allies then telling people to not hire hidden. I've seen SS of Apoc members hire hitting others, oh and let's not forget that Apoc members have stripped each other over market hires. But hey... they saved us, right? Oh yes and let's not forget the countless threats to Eb clans and members. But thank you for liberating the Kawmmunity from the evil, huge DKoD! Let's not forget that apocalypse joined in on the osw between kotfe and LR, outnumbering them by ALOT... oh and when apoc joined in on the osw against Invictus for protection.. and then recruiting clan a and eclipse mid osw. You strong liberators! Bravo again! I have also seen countless SS of old timer Apoc members complaining about how apocalypse now treats their members and outsiders. Over-confidence and arrogance is unbecoming when dealing with a mega alliance. By the way, thank you for creating an alliance so huge that it ruins osw in the future to a certain extent.