The fact is " We are rogue " are bullys . The leaders dont stop to think that dkod has 80+ members and a sub clan who dont need outside help to attack just 1 person. You showed no care or remorse and like thugs joined in with gang bullying 1 person. That is dispicable behaviour. When your leader doesnt have the decency to make a stand and say i wont be a extension of this and we wont tollerate it to happen.Then you all are summerized as a clan of bullys .
Never happened, please stop posting the same false information with absolutely no proof to back it up.
It deffinantly did happen .Look at semzz trying to pull the wool over everybodys eyes . Cant erase history semzz no matter all the big talk you speak to try reinvent yourselves.
I'm not trying to erase history Roni, your trying to create fake history, please show me one screen shot or find one person to back up this fictional story that your delusional mind has conjured.
I wake up from a nice deep sleep. Then read this and feel I'm watching one particular person licking the windows. Taking a shower with a urinal cake. Having paint chips for a snack. I'll have to just say it. This Person I speak of is by far the slowest person on kaw. Not one thing that they have stated is close to even being correct. When I say even close. You have more chance of making a flight to the new solar system that was discovered. I actually pity you. You have no clue what the truth is. You have no clue what actually goes on. You are irrelevant.
Wow , puns is so slick saying the paint chips and cliche remarks & insults. Everyone who has played kaw for 3 years has seen this story unfold in wc. i have quoted it for years about dkod so its no lie puns .
What story that you are a psycho crazy stalker of DKoD? Yes it's true! Everyone has seen your crazy enough. So take your no knowing ass on somewhere else. Roni is nothing but fake stories. She has no concept on reality or therefore on anything remotely true. She is nothing but an attention seeking wanna be. All you know how to do is run your mouth that is full of lies. I know blades of grass that are sharper than you .
i know nothing puns really .So tell everybody why you not family with NBN anymore. i know nothing yet saw all you spoke about it your dkod@war palringo room .Asking NBN , AoA and war for strip funds. Yes keep brushing me off as not knowing nothing. it's easyier to stay in denial and put up a wall of defence when exposed in all your bullying and lies.
You have exposed nothing. Any story that comes from you has no credibility, you talk and talk but you have no proof to back up anything you say so you might as well just shut up.
Nothing to deny, no proof given, just delusional ramblings. If you can't come up with at least one person to even lie for you and say it's true, than it's a moot point to even say it.
You talk too much, also it's then. Than is comparative This tree is taller THAN that tree Then is time-related First I'll make a painting THEN I'll make some breakfast English 101 boiz