my osw fit

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Yerushalaim, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. ╚╗║║╨║║║╚╗╚╗█
    █╚╝╨╚╝╨╨╨╚╝╚╝█ EB All welcome ツ-------Retaliation----- nothing more to say if u want osw nice ppl friendly cc ppl thst would risk pin for you in the bigggest alliance on kaw plus b2b ebs plus equipment ebs look no turther. All of kaw will be infected
  2. █╔╗╥╔╗╔╗╥╔╗╔╗█
    █╚╝╨╚╝╨╨╨╚╝╚╝█ EB All welcome ツ-------Retaliation----- grrrr stupid forums
  3. SicnISS is a very good and well respected war clan. They will teach you just about everything you can know.
  4. thankyou for all the responses, everyone
  5. Just some advice: Don't join any OSW clan that is actively involved in a current OSW. You'll need time to prep fully and get some training targets under your belt. Those kinds of clans are never short on training targets as there is always some fool wanting to prove themselves against big name clans.

    Any clan currently in OSW should have doors locked to prevent any *new* spies from getting in. The big OSW clans spy on each other all the time though. Sometimes the clan being spied on knows who the mole is, sometimes they don't. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer sort of thing.

    Good luck and have fun :)
  6. I wish you luck in finding a clan.
    I know some people in Chaos Reborn, and they're great. You may want to check it out.
  7. Like any other clan... Join one and see if you like them. Would you be loyal and fight for and with them? Simple enough, no exact fit can be determined for your long term future. But there are OSW clans who run ee so why not join some of them? I don't get the whole "I'll do it eventually" thing when some OSW clans have season run ee clans too
  8. I agree with u on this subject im in aztec a UC clan thats in osw with zaft i dont know why it started and dont care i know my clan is fighting zaft so i will fight zaft for my friends and no other reason and my outlook is the same as yours
  9. I am not doing it right now, because I want to focus on ee. an osw clan may not have that luxury. They might be needed for a conflict. As for the example why you are fighting zaft. When I do join an osw clan, when they give direction, I'll follow. So BEFORE I join is the time to weigh the character of the leadership. I want to know I can have faith in the character and integrity of the clans leadership if I am going to give them my allegiance.