My Ode to my farmer ---W4sT3D_TiM3---

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Yoshihiko, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. shadows are annoying? speak for yourself ;)
  2. who says sh are annoying ?, its the build mech which is annoying , not the players ;)
  3. I never said ALL Shadows... just most.... Just... 78% of us lol
  4. You are right.. I'm a pretty nice guy.. Funny, caring and all around helpful.. So its definitely not the players that are annoying. Buuut I never said it was the players, I said it was SH.. maybe I should have cleared that up a bit more >.>.. And I know how annoying the mechanics are.. trust me I've had to fight a few of them
  5. Im not caring or helpful, but Im often humorous. (I think. I find myself funny at least)
  6. yeah its not the players , it was sh , and who are sh again ? google bots ? or players ? :lol:

    all players <may or may not be sh> are not like u lol <annoying ? maybe>
  7. Seems you are deliberately misconstruing my words. Let me state it plainly then. "I do not believe that the players that use the build dubbed "Shadow hansel" are annoying, but rather the build itself is annoying" And all players can't be annoying, if they were then there would be constant whining everywhere you we-... wait.. you might be on to something there.
  8. so u finally accepted u are whining on forums :lol:
  9. Actually quite the opposite. I realized that I'm not whining in the slightest... rather I'm making fun and light of a situation that would normally be whined about! Thank you Rohit! Now I see the light!
  10. anything left to say ? :p
  11. Yes actually :D...Tell me.. what do you see in the first line? Me saying that I wanted to be an annoying gnat like most SH builds are... Keyword being MOST.. sub key word SH! And when do you normally see a SH whining about something on forum? You certainly haven't today if you picked up on the sarcasm at all. If not, sure it comes off as whining in a rather chipper mood don't you think? You are slowly proving me right in aspects.. and wrong in other aspects... Brave :lol: