My new story

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *-Smallz- (01), Jul 6, 2010.

  1. Oooooo, pick me!
    Name: Alex Verteria
    Age: 21
    Bio: Not like all these dramatic charaters, Alex has lived a life of joy and luxury. Growing up in a wealthy home, he spent lots of time practicing hobbies of combat which included a mastery of abroad assortment of weaponry, hand-to-hand combat and swordplay.

    Think up sone fun way to put him in small. 
  2. Crim I got just the thing
  3. Can I drop his age a bit though? I only want 2 adults or so. And like 3 main characters that are teens
  4. 16 or 17 works. Hell maybe 18
  5. Mine can be 25. And if not then 17
  6. K well I need a role for a little girl. And for an adult dude who's got a nickname of codemaster. (he's a main character. As is little girl)
  7. We have one picked. Alex. That is only one in for sure right now
  8. Just don't post age!!! Give me background and name!! And gender
  9. Mines male 
  10. Mines male 
  11. Agent_x I'm gonna cast u as codemaster
  12. K so we got alex, rian, agent_x, dianna, and bastion.
  13. Hey privatepeanut. U willing to be a girl?
  14. Background: Make it up
    Name: Bastion
    Gender: Male
  15. I have u already set in. So is dianna. (She's a bad person cuz she's a meany)
  16. Sweet.. Codemaster is the man!
  17. Whoo! Go me
  18. I may make part two to the story