my main?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jul 17, 2013.

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  1. Well if you really want me too ill start guessing.

    Is your main ______xxxwarxxx______?
  2. I'm his main, that account just doesn't have any mojo.
  3. Oh wait, you posted with the fake account lol

    Your main is your non fake account ______xLxExTxHxAxLx______
  4. Im not going to hid behind my alliance what's your main and ill give him a run for his money. I'm bored. 1v1 me lethal. After dante of course he already challenged you first :p
  5. Harvester I hope it wasn't you that created that statless alt to impersonate the op. It's a violation of the ToU to impersonate another player, and depending on severity could get you banned.
  6. Personally I'd farm you anyhow being part of an alliance doesn't mean your not open. At the end of the day big alliances are full of people who don't really understand how to play. The osf era made players soft LB chasers with free pwar gold. And the eb era created giant alliances so that people could item hunt with in there clans. 80% of kaw are babies that can only fight you if your out numbered. I prefer to fight out numbered its actually easier to do damage when its 20v1 ask any real farmer (I'm sure Ajax has no problem and Allison hlbc off farming) the point is to disrupt your targets day no one wins in an osw it comes down to who has the least to lose. A clan of 50 v a single player the clan has so much more to lose. Time, resources, etc. When the indivual player can simply fight from pin and bank gold.
  7. @drgn I would never do that! That was a joke. Why would I waste the time to impersonate that pathetic waste?
  8. It's fine drgn, your only doing your job and I can't be mad at someone for doing that
  9. I'm a pathetic waste? Harvester my account is worth 5 times yours even I'm it's current state..I'm one who fights many, u troll forums for someone to jump only after you know their preoccupied,,your day will come noob I promise u, you better hope u have an army to back u bc ill trash that account in a day or two
  10. This is your main im pretty sure. You were a very strong hansel that was in zaft and then betrayed them and now you downgraded?
  11. Will you..? With your main?
  12. OP's account is his main, he has no larger builds. He dropped HLBC hansel to what he is now.

  13. Thats exactly what i said. :mrgreen:
  14. Betrayed his own clan?

  15. Well, he left ZF Warriors and farmed them.
  16. Just bc this used to be bc dosnt mean it's my only one lol. And people will you please stop saying hlbc...I'm still hlbc, all that means is highlands unlocked, the term your looking for bc-buld complete, as in I used to be build complete,meaning buildings finished
  17. "Just bc this used to be bc"
    Post invalid.
  18. Hlbc. High lands build complete. Not HLU high lands unlocked. You're stupid. Very. Like, to the very core of your being, you're flawed in every sense. Do KaW a favour OP and just put down all your electronics and go start reading books... Or get exercise. Or anything just do something away from here and don't look back.
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