Alison mentioned me omg, omg. But yes I could care less, I will go against your main unless your spragga. I'm not that stupid
Why am i arguing with you?. I just thought about and now i realized this is the type of person i am arguing with: Must have the last word, must be right, will use force to prove they are right, and will stick to an illogical debate to show they are right. Thank you and have i good day
I forgot 1 thing Also must try to keep it going because they cannot leave it alone to the fact that the other person actually shut the **** up which they wont Thank you and have a good "night"
Is there a thread where he identity of OP's main became an issue? As for revealing mains, I strongly believe people should post with their main. Not because people will respond with hits in all instances, but there is certainly a risk. It is the risk that underscores the term "courage of conviction" to say what you believe despite potential negative consequences. Moreover, it provides a reference point for many things, such as the likelihood the speaker has accurate knowledge, potential biases or self-interest, etc. I always post with my main so people know where to find me if they have a beef with what I articulate here on the forums. My two cents.