Its a game that makes 1 million dollars a year off hte clans. lol. well over the situation, but people still need to be aware of the situation regardless.
Circles are only refunded if the EB is forfeited during Ph1. Anything after, regardless of whether its a fail due to time or a forfeit, users don't get their circles back.
Nothing wrong with that but you shouldve left your review as is and not overreact by hitting other members.
Good thing I dont pay to play this game, this stuff is dumb as hell if this is a fairly good hte clan they must all suck eggs.
You'll see on my wall ML_DivineUprising_ML also stating " you're right there own members dont seal" Thats cuz i was saying it in WC.
Thanks for the review. I already suspected this of every hte clan, just because of the nature of the arrangement, but I'm glad to have it confirmed. I've dropped 10 seals and 200 circles for my home clan and those felt a lot more rewarding than dropping at an hte clan.
To have a successful hte clan, you have to have a committed owner. They have to be around. They have to build relationships with their admins and sealers. You can't log on for 10 minutes here and there, or just leave the clan for 4-5 days at a time so sealers keep asking where the owner is. You can only cover so much for an owners absence. The owner needs to support the admins while they enforce the clan rules. When you have 2 different clans farming the members because of something the owner did, you should not have to convince the owner to deal with it and request a cf for the members who did nothing wrong. An owner should not want to quit kaw every time there is a problem in the clan. It is unacceptable for the owner to turn cc into a brothel where it gets so graphic that guys are insisting they are doing lewd or obscene things being prompt from reading cc. Drunk kawing is probably not a great idea. It is unacceptable for friends to get let in and passes suddenly just appear on their wall even though they did not seal. Clan rules should not be changed, or out right made up to accommodate the owners friends. Admins should not be talked down to, treated like servants, farmed, and so on. If the admins are enforcing clan rules, the owner should stand up for the admins. After all, they run the clan more than said owner. If you are required to seal to be in the clan, that should be the same rule for everyone. Sealers and admins. Letting a couple admins that the owner is good friends with should not have expired passes from 2 months ago. It's not fair to other admins and members. Being a clan owner is a lot of work and takes a lot of time and dedication. ~Hades
To add on to what Hades has stated above, it is also probably not in your best interest to speak to players like they are below you or out right idiots that have no concept of how things work. If you prompt people to your clan page, you should at the very least gave something there to support your statement. Not just change rules on the fly while your "admin" insist it has always been a rule. All the while telling you & insisting the complete opposite afterwards. As stated above, you have to trust & protect your admin. Personally I was there a couple times, once as a admin & again as a casual sealer later on. My initial visit was that of a casual sealer before coming into power & I was immediately farmed the first two days there by a outside clan. Why might they be farming you? You may ask, it was because they were mad at the owner of the clan. What was the initial response? To quit Kaw instead of a manageable cf.
You're supposed to grow with the ones that war with you. Not feed outsiders. HTE clans should be gone
This review is completely accurate. I was kicked while i had a pass on my wall and i was only given a 1 day pass even though clan page said non promo = 2 day pass. I told vampy it wasnt promo and she said “it is promo because i said it is promo”. Dont bring your seals here. Vampy mutes people in clan chat and then doesnt acknowledge she messed up. She just ignores your pms and tells you if you dont like it then leave
Kicking inactive players is a way to help a HTE clan. You were let back in . And turned around and broke the clan rules , along with being disrespectful. And you left when silenced for cussing another member. So please cry some more