Thanks op...have no experience in this clan but had a few horrible experiences in some of the "fastest zta" clans requiring only 4pc's with a 30 man roster. No joke they were advertising in WC for fast ZTAs and had forfeits and DNF ZTAs in their history. They even let a <1m CS split 50 circs like without questioning or informing him to grow a little (especially since at the time event was ending in two days, he could have made 3fold off that one ZTA with some simple guidance) They did better last weekend but now I know what to do when I see such clans.
Wow those two things are identical in every regard, how did I not notice it? Clans only used on weekends for random people constantly Hopping in and out vs a Pass-Based permanent clan. Next time someone tells me a comedy movie sucked I'm going to reminisce on that one bad horror movie I saw, and never watch comedies again! ._.
Im not talking about you or your clan.. And I dont see many weekend ZTA clans actively advertising claiming fast ZTAs in wc with fails and DNFs in their history. Thats just completely misleading and I feel bad for anyone who lost their circles in that clan.
All I can say is since my time getting into VR I have nothing but good things to say. Very active cc, tons of sealers, quick HTE but not to fast. The people are very nice and the admins are very good at their jobs. I would highly recommended it to anyone needing a hte clan.
While I haven't been able to visit yet I know vampy and she is awesome. I do not know you but you seem like you suck. That's just my personal opinion. Whining hte is going too fast during this event? Seriously? If you don't like it then leave.
What are even talking about... HTE Speed is not the issue here, try reading the content then commenting.