My Generation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrestonGarvey, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. TL:DR

    On a more serious note what does ranting solve , if you want to change it do something about it, i am not going to troll you just making sure you know that this is probably not the best place to put views like this
  2. I love how people say that havent lived throughout other generations say that one is worse than the other, how would you know if you didnt live through the other one :lol: anyone can tell you a story, doesnt make it a fact
  3. @op I also question your claim to being either intelligent or in a selective school. 1 it is a 'firearm' not a gun. Bullets are 'rounds'.

    2. Any selective school which has teenage pupils think that rounds are rockets should be closed down.

    Your solution is to cut welfare even more?

    Britain didn't give up an empire and become a welfare state to cater to arrogant miseducated toffs like you. Your grandparents would be ashamed.
  4. Honestly, their education isn't your concern. Worry about yourself, and then you can run the country.
  5. As someone who can actually say they own several 'fire arms', you may call them guns and 'rounds' may be called bullets... It's all a preference and opinion unless you get into legal terms...
  6. It's kinda the same with magazine to be called a mag or a clip to be called a bullet holder. It doesn't really matter as long as the point gets across.
  7. mmm people live without jobs? well thats god's work and also googlensays einstien was highschool #slacker soo... and i support that we more effort in schools but not the educatoniol parts as actually we need to put more manners than smartz stuffs there :( im more worried about teenagers on drugs and alchohol more than a student that doesnt know what a gun is or has failed his history test i dont think the world will improve with just knowledge example we all know drugs are bad but still smoke weed honstly there isnt a school that doesnt have children doing drugs in it and i wouldnt call your generation that horrible who knows and umm how old are you op? oh and ive seen you in rpimd :(
  8. i like how you just called this a vedio game :)