Bella Davies 28 Bussiness woman Bio: she became interested in bussiness at the age of 12. She got A* in her BTec bussiness and ICT courses. Now she is a successful bussiness women for an famous ICT company. She'd been sent on the flight to make a bussiness deal with some clients. Looks. Black wavy hair, green eyes, tall-ish, black suit (on plane) with black heels and bag to match.
What she can find of her stuff: She found her other suit, books, first aid kit (don't know why) and a phone which can make one phone call.
What do you call snapping? Your first story and you think you can handle it all. You obviously need anger management classes since you took this arguement out of the forums and into KaW. Getting other people to farm me because you can't. Sad. :lol: :roll: :mrgreen: Jasper, The King :mrgreen: :roll: :lol:
i think that's enough feather... :? when i wrote my first story i had quite a large amount of characters too, i managed it but i have to admit it was hard. Trial and error is the best way to learn.
Nobs need to recognize where the authority is. I think chees is using the "an" or "plus" symbol and it's cutting off his story.
I am trying to be calm about this feather now get to the thread where you can tell me how terrible I am, how stupid I am, and how I shouldn't even be on here. Made that just for you to make fun of me. If you wanna bad mouth me take it there.
Authority? So what is this, a dictatorship? There is no authority. There are veterans, and there are newbies. And it's the vet's job to guide the newbs in a helpful, respectful way. But authority? No. That belongs to the mods.
@cam no offense and all but it is a waste of space... :shock: Just make a feedback thread or make that one into the feedback thread. It's so more stories can be on the first page. @Irin well i'm a veteran soooo does that mean i have to guide all of you???!! :?
Of course. Maybe you haven't heard, Irin, but certain things call for dictators. Otherwise, we are a constitutional monarchy. PS: What about the middle people.