My Feedback on New Chat Filter

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Seth, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. My point is, there has never been a complaint about the chat filter or social experience of the game when it comes to profanity in my almost 1 year of playing.

    Not once have I seen a complaint about profanity is world, clan, or ally chat. I've never seen it be a problem in forums either.

    Yes, there were asterisks, but the context is still clear, and people will still bypass. The new filter has only made people mad.
  2.  but then you get to be HUGE! This sounds like a KaW analogy...
  3. I'm fairly sure I made my point clear in my first comment. When you're making a statement that profanity use somehow makes someone inferior and unintelligent you shouldn't use "ur" "u" "r" "n" etc as it counters your argument. Whether you are or not, and I know most of the people here aren't, it makes you look illiterate.

    If you choose to not see how that makes sense then there's no need to continue this side discussion.

    Just to comment on the OP, the original censoring in CC was good enough and this new form of censoring will cause those who prefer to cuss to type around the censor which defeats the point of it in the first place.
  4. My last thought on this.

    Do you have access to ata emails?
    If new players are turning off due to the profanity be it parents or others. I doubt they will stay around to chat much less find forums.

    Ata implemented a very small change that you have taken objection to for no real reason, in my opinion. Those who swear in cc bypass regardless. This change will only really affect wc and forums where silences are applicable.

    I am sorry you find it objectionable that ata are trying to promote the game in a way that according to their feedback will entice more people to stay in the game longer and strengthen the community spirit. This is a social app after all. It's a true shame many miss that point and fail to see the devs actually making changes people have asked for.

    They have changed this event from the last pvp one almost exactly as most asked for the changes to be implemented. I still feel further change is needed.
    They are trying to tidy up kaw and make more of an effort even with the micro management aspects and those go ignored or hated on.

    But focus your efforts on the high cost of winning these events. The unbalanced reward systems and the fact that equipment ebs have died off in favour of events that are exhausting and not that appealing to the average social gamer this game used to appeal to.
    Put your effort where it may help kaw.
    Not into your ability to tell another player to **** off.
  5. That's a bypass, dude.
  6. Nope that is four stars. Typed as four stars. A bypass would have been filtered
    But proves a point doesn't it. You Potty brain
  7. Why do people care about this so much lol?
  8. Well said. Support
  9. Screenshotted and reporting.
  10.  So scared. By the big advocate of free speech that campaigns for freedom of speech and then cried when someone allegedly does what he is campaigning for. Even if devs silence me for that it only proves that there is indeed a need for the censor. Thank you for defeating your own argument. Great job. 
    Ps you ignored all the other far more important issues. Thank you for your valuable contribution towards this game and the freedom of speech. ( sarcasm intended )
  11. I hear some butthurt in this post 
  12. I don't support bypassing. I don't suggest it either. I oppose the new filter.
  13. Using profanity is still extremely easy. Just use letters with accents like û, ì, à, etc.

    Delete this comment if it's bannable mods. I'd prefer to keep my clean forum record.
  14. They just should have applied it world chat and not applied it to cc. I really don't think the majority of Kaw speaks hate or I would hope not. I think KaW is a pretty good community but there is always a few bad apples.
  15. SUPPORT!! **** this chat filter! I support all the way!

  16. Pls fix, thx
  17. :lol: