My Explanation To iG Systems

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Infoldst, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Lmao Darkace ! My girlfriend takes away my iPod until I leave her house LMAO
  2. lol
    ppl seem to use ''lmao'' a lot more than ''lol'' in forum even though ''lol'' is quicker
    lol :lol: :lol:
  3. Roflmaotikyayp
  4. @Lycan,
    If you are under the assumption he felt such a strong connection to them as to describe "family" and due to this feeling of love and admiration for his "family" he is doing what he has done best, not pvp, but epic battles. If he admired and felt iG were his ancestral "family" in kaw he'd have known what the deal was and that's you do work in iG.

    And on a side note you don't leave your "family" make a thread saying they war in a distasteful manner and due to this I made the choice to leave such a disgusting group! Or by your ideal he was so attached to iG systems after one solid week of peer bonding and "family" trust fall seminars that when they went to war and did what war clans do he was so disgusted by his "family" he had to leave. Upon leaving he made a thread to justify his position in the iG Family and express his sadness that when he joined a war clan he imagined they'd war goblins and faireys maybe hit someone but never more than 5 times, that's farming...
  5. no point joining iG if u dont want to war
    thats like saying i wanna join the clan ''The Gilded Lord'' but i dont wanna do ''The Gilded Lord''
    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. He never said he wasn't expecting a war and he never said he was disgusted by how they war . Stop putting words that were never even mentioned . All he said was that he felt iG had taken it too far . If you were in his position as I was , you would understand . The war was no longer a war as no more incomings were happening . It was more of a OSPW . The people in it were stripped dry, runners were chased down . They had already DESTROYED the clan , so why not grant them CF ?! What were they to gain from attacking anymore if they were already dryed out ?! Nothing . That is why he felt they took it to far .
  7. We both participated in the war , that after 3 days was no longer a war but a slaughter fest . He didn't mind going to War as he knew that is what iG did , they told us that from the start . He wasn't disgusted by the way they warred , he just found it taken to the extreme , a place that it had no need to be taken to . That is all .
  8. It is clear what iG system aims for they are aiming for a disband , is it hard to understand ? N who r u lycan ? U r camouflaged alt ?
  9. Is the other clan sabotage?
  10. Mayyybe machine

    And i know why we started hitting that one clan becuz they were hitting -WIT- and -WIT- is family so I guess Im just a noob who overreacted but at least im taking all this critism i havent asked a mod to lock and I dont go cry in the bathroom Becuz u guys hurt my feelings its a game with virtual gold and yes I have my mith addiction and my kawcaine.

    No i didnt ask for a CF for now iGS has stopped hitting maybe thats until they are done with osw or the fact im not worth it

    I love to war but in the beginning i overreacted and thought they took war to far then i remember why we were hitting clan and I now relaized why they kept hitting
  11. Uh, iG doesn't farm players who just leave.

    Seems as if something isn't being listed here as to why they'd hit you.

    Did you leave on bad terms? They will pound a guy for potty mouth and crybaby rage quit. I'm guessing that's more like what happened, but my opinion is purely speculative since I only know half the admins in Systems.
  12. I agree with swab, why would they hit you for just leaving during a war, and if you don't approve of methods required in war no matter what they may be, then you are not a warrior.
  13. The other clan probably would have done the same thing to you if they had the chance. iG was just making sure they had leaned their lesson, making them regret starting something that they couldn't finish.
  14. @Lycan, Extreme is the only way I War. You left your family to help a friend EB.

    @Camo, I let you aboard as a deckhand, I will steer the ship. There are still a few with pots and An ally or two. I ******* want it all.
  15. On rare occasion a clan may not farm you for leaving under war KaW or RL. Punishment in RL during most historical wars was death by your peers (firing squad).
    A long time ago iG gave me a spanking for not making minimum plunder on a pwar. Eddies and I had quiet little Wednesday battles for fun for several months. He was a great teacher. They are a revered war clan.

    Your explanation for desertion is invalid in my understanding.

    Having said that I do like the idea of a surrender war or surrender clan button.
  16. So many people on a topic that don't mean **** yet they are here as if something huge happened yayyyy way to take game seriously, just do what you want to do don't listen to others lol if we all listened to each other and seeing how cruel and weird the people we interact with in RL are we would all be dead/burned/shot/whatever not here no more, so yea man do whatever you want to do even if it is not hitting back the people that are basically punching your face in while you sit back and do nada, good luck 
  17. If they've given in, why keep pounding, Virus?

    Few wars actually end in initial terms met, and many actually end in mutual cf.

    iG-S want to disband "clan-X" why?

    Camo is a stand-up dude, and I've warred with him before.

    I'm not calling anyone out, just curious here...
  18. The goals has been set , why not? Sometimes we aim for a reset or disband , if u are looking at it as virtual gold , why not rebuild ?