my ex gfs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by saltyfeet, Mar 20, 2015.

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  1. Its prob a girl whose 20%african,20%american,20%indian,20%korean and 20% mexican
  2. I bet under 5% of the world makes over 200k USD/year. Probably even less
  3. 
  4. I wonder what that Vaseline squirt bottle In that pictures is used for
  5. Well I would imagine his skin would get quite dry due to increased surface area which would allow for increased water evaporation. So he needs to keep moisturized.
  6. Is that a hot pocket coming outta the printer? @terra
  7. Why are you asking me?
  8. It IS a hot pocket.. And he's happy to see u Terra
  9. Is that a hot pocket or are you just happy to see me??

    Wait that doesn't even make sense
  10. Don't tell me you have never used that line on ur junior high cafeteria!!!!
  11. There's alot of people in the world, so yeah. There's also alot of countries in poverty. It's not hard to make 200k a year, you just have to be dedicated
  12. I wonder how long it has been since hot pocket printer boy has seen his floppy disk?
  13. I am SO dedicated.. Check this out..

    6-9am: "Barrista" at Starbucks.. Making watered down Americanos

    9-10am: Kaw Break

    10-1pm: Stock shelves at Costco.. I work out..

    1-2pm: Kaw Break

    2-6pm: "Customer Service Rep" at a phone company.. "Let me put you on hold"

    6-7pm: KaW Break

    7-10pm: Greeter at Wal-Mart.. I just pretend to be a vet so that nobody messes with me

    10-11pm: KaW Break

    11-2am: male gigolo

    2-4am: You don't want to know

    ...and I still don't pull 200G's per year..
  14. Funny.... I make 250k $1.
  15. Salty I thought you were retiring
  16. I think she was bragging in my wall about her money not long ago. :lol: yeah. Bragging TO ME! Bahahaha
  17. Anyway, going back to my gfs

    Most of them were real hot. And were truly beautiful on the inside. Sometimes i think about the what ifs...
  18. What if that condom didn't break
  19. My ex gf's have stabbed, shot, murdered, impregnated, and married me. Just awful stuff.
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