My dear nightmare

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ladyjoyce, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. really and your so cool .
  2. (R)eally and you(')r(e) so cool. (sigh)
  3. Can we have an ability to have grammar quiz when someone joins the Internet?
  4. I'm with Lockie on this one. "_" my head hurts from deciphering this crap.
  5. Aww it's a bunny

    Just let it happen bunny this let this thread happen, it will soon go away
  6. stick to your rp in worldchat then bunny thats more on your level of sadness.
  7. Omg! So close to not having a grammar error! There's only like 5 this time!
  8. when i first read this i thought it was rap
  9. RP....bunny? 
  10.  I 'volunteer' to be a highly paid translator for roni. :lol:
  11. I love grammer wars 
  12. Ronis jealous because unlike bunny, ronis a 40 year old Toni
  13. wolfie moron for someone who says i have no life you havent been off kaw all night. and why would i be jelous of bunny i seen all her weirdo comments in worldchat . that aint nothing to be jelous off .and you rang me 3 times why ring a 40 year old man. you spoke to me for 1hour each time.whose the stupid one ?
  14. This thread [​IMG] haha
  15. Yeah I'm sorry I was such an awful attention seeker Roni. It's just I was trying to be as good at it as yourself . It's not our fault your a compulsive liar with a terrible sense of grammar is it?

    I'm officially starting the charity "Help for Roni". Please everyone donate some change so we can teach her how to write and spell with the correct grammar.
  16. I take pride in being a weirdo :) Improve your spelling you can follow my owner for midget clown rp.
  17. Wolfie you're stupid. You've been on kaw all night and the only reason I know that is because I have too. Why would I be jealous of bunny? Clearly I have a more unique personality. People with good grammar and intelligence are nothing for me to be jealous of. They have skills I never will. You rang me three times, bro. I expected more for the amount I've been stalking you. Who is the stupid one?
  18. I think shadows has done a better job at translating than I have xD
  19. i love it how the maggots have nothing better to say except the grammar comments. it shows how super intelligant they are that their only comments are about spellings and not even related to this thread. immortal dogs :- we dont waver and we dont break .