My big ban evidence thread

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DEVlL, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

    I think we've achieved a victory over the ampersand there.
  2. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

    Lolwut? What is up with the first post?
  3. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

    He changed it. Before it was something about he's returned, free DEVIL, etc.
  4. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

    It was a test. i decided that my first post was not relevant
  5. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

    How he do dat O.O
  6. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

  7. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

    On a computer, you can edit your posts.
  8. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

    Oh. Ok. Free DEVIL

    I have no idea why I just said that.
  9. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

    and on a computer you can type these things called words
  10. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

    That's a negative, I wuz never in bh
  11. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

  12. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

  13. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

  14. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*

    Lol. "inciting rebellion" is against the ToU. I believe it was added after the KaW/HSH spam war.
  15. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*


  16. Re: *mad face* FREE DEVIL *mad face*
