My bid to eradicate farming 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Atropos, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. How'd this go from changing the name of farming. To players who don't hit back should leave?
  2. I disagree - farming is cruel and nasty and unfair to those who simply wish to play a friendly game.

    All those who farm should be banned.

    Snr 
  3. No support;
    Would make OSW and other things no more.
  4. Wonder how many ppl are farming the dude for making this thread...
  5. The op should first stop using the word, farming, before posting a petition to stop use of the word (e.g. his banner).
  6. Support made me chuckle
  7. Penguins don't grow crops, but at times, we spank naughty kid penguins.
  8. This is a war game. We have clans to take care of each other. By "farming" you risk an entire clan after you. No matter if u support this or not nothing will change how people handle this subject
  9. No one really gives a - bout farmin so dis pointless
  10. @sabbath, but ain't this thread about the use if the term farming more than the actual act of hitting someone 5
  11. Support.
    There are so many people who have no business posting here.
    Fail trolls. Shut your ignorant mouths.

    OP obviously hates the 5 action farming rule and wants the un-written Latin KAW revoked while defending 1vs1 and new players from being pounded till they quit
  12. Law*in*kaw - not Latin ;)