My bid to eradicate farming 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Atropos, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. OP needs to stop moaning about things that don't need to be changed.

    Farming is a fine enough word.
    Rage posting and complaining is hilarious.
  2. Isn't farming essentially part of KaW, since attacking is one of the main things you do in this game?
  3. I don't see any fields on this game anytime Sombody ask why I'm farming. I think well I need my food don't I?
  4. So does the term farming include herding?
    Because I don't want anyone getting any ideas...
  5. Dumb ass post , senseless, wtf cares. Go farm yourself. OP is drunk and lonely .
  6. I rather use a more sophisticated war such as harvesting 
  7. assassian that post was uncalled for
  8. Assassin*
  9. :O so my name would be eradicated?
  10. Lol - Frogknuckles obviously cant read his own post ... "im not guna respond so save your long winded posts" yet responds.

    Either way. Support!!
  11. Assassin the noob is still on. Lol
  12. U say u hate people using the word farming but then u say it in your post!! Lol
  13. I agree that we shall all from this point forward use the word Grind instead of farm
  14. way to support your own petition (giggle) not cowardly at all (wink)
  15. Lowland farmingI agree that's part of the game
  16. Support! We should all call it "hitting another player repeatedly over a shorter or longer period of time until we don't feel like hitting them anymore". Short form,. HAPROASOLPOTUWDFLHTA.
  17. Agree with lee. This thread put me to sleep.
  18. Huge support to this super awesome idea.
  19. This was a bit funny 