Once again zaft only take 2 days to make this guy apologiesbut long ago zaft started farming over my 10 year old son hitting 1 of there osf from the battle listat the time I didn't know who zaft where exactly so I started hitting there members back even harder then they ever hit me,but my clan feint or something it was called told me to stopgot scared and kicked me from clannot long after that I got into voodoo so all in al everything ended pretty good and even though zaft would of loved a reason to war voodoo they never did when I was in voodooagree or not as nothing much to do with anything only just thought would mention and say this guy despite what anyone ever as to say or not is not the only 1 who I'm sure are many apologised to zaft before now and many will In the future as zaft maybe bullies and to big to really care what ever anyone as to say or not to say only I respect zaft in many ways only fear them not but agree or not if you was wrong then fair play for apologising and sorry for spamming your thread2 days of being pinned by zaft I bet was really difficult for zaft to pin just 1 guy period as agree or not what are the odds exactly 500-700 vs this 1 guymaybe wrong only when zaft hit me they hit me in many numbersand for a genuine mistake of didnt know my 10 year old son hit a zaft osf once onlythey started to hit me back many timessorry I'm just going on and on agree or not zaft are ZAFT period and I wouldn't try to defend anyone period against zaft unless I had a lot of big enough clans n guys to 110%back me upsimply anyone who reads this and ever thinks about going up against zaft in anyway shape or form for any reason guilty or not guilty pretty much unless like myself 110%you can actually get a chance to talk too members of zaft like I did sometime ago when started farming me and agree or not fair play to the zaft members involved at the time for pretty much understanding and excepting a simple apology on a wall of this osfand thanks to zaft I made far more money from them then they did make hitting me plus my original clan kicked me and I got into voodoo pretty much straight away after this all happening and despite voodoo not being the same top 50 truly 1 of the best war clans ever in kawvoodoo was still pretty much the best ever closet top 50 war clans at the time that I've been great full to of ever been in only regrets voodoo idea of being a family isn't same as my idea which is family is for life no matter 110%and if voodoo hadn't of turned there backs against me and many other voodoo members since they started to dothen maybe voodoo still be in the top 50 period lol but my word don't take voodoo lightly now as they I think have gone all spy clan like CT and LOA and have I'm sure some pretty big strip banks still that could strip quite many clans top or not periodsorry again for going on and before all the replies taking the piss or calling me a noob etc then if read this far will know isn't much point as think if I was ever going to be bothered about what anyone ever said about me or my thread post in forums then I simply wouldn't make such a damn f ing postagree or not though that's all from me for now zaft pinned someone again for 2 daysbet that was very hard agree or not lol
LMFAO!!! I knew you would be making a thread you dumb ****! Even though this thread is a piece of ****.