My ass :)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Snoopy, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Wow, you had to use google to figure out I'm an ass...

    What does that make you?? I'm pretty sure your name is Billy
  2. My ass is flat. Accidentally ran him over. Wish i had an ass as plump as yours
  3. Funny you mention this. My team used to do a ritual before every race that involved the captain reciting "We have come here to chew bubblegum, and kick ass," then the rest of the team would mumble in a knowing way "but we're all out of bubblegum". Then we would start chanting ALL OUT OF BUBBLEGUM as a group and subsequently kick ass in the race. Good times
  4. You can always buy the African asses for the cheap price of a few hundred!
  5. WoW. Prime is a genius. How did they know my name was Billy
  6. It's not hard, relevant theory based on asses directs you towards a certain thing that we call the unintelligent and or belligerent
  7. Ayyyy George Lopez ayyyyy TV show
  8. That's a cute ass. Don't abuse it.