Lmao 50 little bill u have left metal really .....smh ...!!!!! Plz all alliances change clan announcements and put metal back on oh wait he was already there ! This is what we say once u mean nothing anymore !!!!!! NEXT ....
ok ok you got me. Should I convert to ps then ? I imagine it'd be quite cozy being active when you want, But houstone, tell me -do you honestly think I care that I lost 800b?
And what happen to puppy dog ? Hope he isn't on the side of highway 6, here in Htown ,being road kill ...........!!!!!
I admitted it on phils thread the following morning, why lie? If I felt I needed the allies, I'd just funnel from my bank
I really didn't know . but I was stealing away wit all 5 spies yum yum yum lmao .........
all in all it is war game so cheers to you metal ! I think u the The only reg who I don't think is garbage
Lol but if u sad or disappointed ,of not getting anymore love from ig . Reveal your bank . and I will personally promise you. I will love you long time lol