@castiel, not really an OSW, just the entire clan forcing a single small build to drop his build. Because OP hired one of their ally a couple times (without hitting).
Ah. Well I'll take the not EB fairy route for once and say that's pathetic. An entire clan against one person? That's like zaft jumping an rp clan.
We aren't going to do anything, lol this has nothing to do with us...unless they want to farm jho? Idk
No we dont. Hes broken multiple cfs in the past, (all of which all he had to do were apologise in our cc) and weve been kind. We even let him hit a hte with us for free. But after our last fight, we asked him to not do any affiliated with jho or anyone in it. This was why we were upset when there were ally hires from me after i posted something in wc. And only 2 people hit him, not our entire clan.
So somebody bought your allies that are for sale unless osw/woc casted btw your banner says neither.you made a profit from the sale of said allies and ur picking on a lil acct.
Allies are always for sale, the hire button is always available. Last i heard, jho was in osw with .the shire. Or something similar to that clan name
Free ally market. You dont go around hitting people who hires your ally...let alone forcing him to drop build. Thats bullying. Theres a thin line between PVP
All i am saying if in osw i respect that but give ppl a heads up maybe with ur banner as a form of communication then if he bought without a ok the hits would be understood