My apology to JHO

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xlolx12, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. i said he used 2 xstals and his alt
  2. Me asking JHO- Can i get my gold back in 24hrs?
  3. Xlolx12 was what, prolly a 1/4 of your size, I agree with com, why don't you try to get me to drop build for you too
  4. So op got farmed for what exactly embellishing a war story?
  5. yea, pretty much and getting on my bro's acct, and hiring qn ally of one of theres
  6. U just hired didn't hit?
  7. Yep, qnd i get farmed
  8. Follow me for more details
  9. Most of jho top 20 ain't even got full pots
  10. Aww I can't hit him  jk 
  11. Smh but the were able to beat one little account they should get a medal
  12. If I xtal for you guys will I get incoming?
  13. You probobly will coml3y
  14. Just xtaled, have fun. Jho 
  15. COML3Y u have to be a comedian bc they will farm u into next month
  16.  maybe next month I might get incoming
  17. Comely knows what he's doing
  18. I have no damn troops
  19. Just hanging out in there turtle shell