My apology to harbingers of death

Discussion in 'Wars' started by FeelThePain, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. I don't think is this guys fault we had an osf with no hits and clan mates on the other side and this osf has not play long enough to have been in PW to account for his losses so why hit a noob if its not his complete fault
  2. Just my feelings but we had more problems than that
  3. I think some ppl jus new some one to blame but it is nice to see ppl that understand
  4. I'm not saying he wasn't part of the problem it just doesn't deserve the reaction it's got with people hitting and stripping over it
  5. I accepted apology initially. I am however not happy nor feel excuse to be reasonable there were ppl at our door waiting for hours on waiting list to get in. If there was a chance u couldn't or wouldn't be active should have left or not join clan at all. He new was on call for work good reason to just not join war clan less ppl would have been fine the leakers killed us I leaked 0 gold n was 124 in clan. I got #39 in war cause hit from pin n kept myself up til 5am east coast USA .

    I'm sorry but on further reflection I do not accept apology will not retaliate in anyway but don't want to see u in my clan.
  6. I have read everything and like panic i was there the whole war. I was there when your brother finally came into cc in the 8th hour and said the mother f****ers stripped me. It was the first time he showed up the whole war. The leakers from every team need to understand that for every action there is an opposite reaction. They chose to join the ASW for whatever reason. Now they have to accept the consequences of letting there team down. Right or wrong they made there bed now it is time to lie in it. Shadow i know he is your brother and granted he wasnt the only one. Granted he is the only one that apologized. But it still doesnt make it right.
  7. I agree it doesn't make it right but what gives anyone the right to bully other players, everyone needs to stop looking for people to blame and move on maybe next time the Devs can get people who are active in wars on regular basis no matter of size.
  8. Chose to post here as it just a stupid idea: lets leave it as it is, everyone recieves what they earned so far.. BUT... LETS BOMBARD FEEDBACK BTN FOR ASW2, as most of you guys feel like u deserve to win, fair enough tho..BUT. Each clan suppose to have 5 admins wiTH unquestionable right to kick any leak, that would be more or less equal chances for each clan, am i right? So folks.. same rosters.. same clans...same admins... WHAT YA SAY? AHOOOOO
  9. Ahaha have you seen the Harbingers of Death clan description? :lol: :lol:
  10. You were made part of ASW because you applied. Voluntarily. More than 1600 applied but you were lucky enough to have applied early. So you got in. Part of Harbingers of Death.

    You were then made to apply to the clan. You applied. Again, voluntarily. Knowing fully well the war schedule. Knowing fully well IT IS A WAR!

    What part of WAR is not clear? If you couldnt be active YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE APPLIED TO ASW. if you couldnt be active YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE APPLIED TO THE CLAN. You had all the chance to not participate but you chose to participate. SO YOU SHOULD HAVE PARTICIPATED.

    RESPECT. You already disrespected your teammates. Sorry does not cut it.
  11. Wondering why there's so much support from BCW on this thread about their clanmate when 2 of their members are actively stripping and hitting another player accused of inactivity in the ASW... Make your mind up eh....
  12. Namely BCW_Pantern and BCW__A-L-I-A-S . Myself, I haven't hit anyone, they will lose their rewards and the shame is enough , my choice 
  13. The support is for him admitting he done wrong and having common sense to admit it
  14. I agree jester, I don't agree with any of these people getting farmed especially by the amount of people I've heard are hitting.

    Only reason I'm posting on here is this guy/girl is the only one who's made a public apology good job on that and if you join next asw make sure you take part hahaha
  15. Any person that choose to join ASW and then didnt show or didnt really put much activity in is "fair game" in my opinion! YES an apology is good but it wont give all those players that put there "real Lifes" on hold any real satisfaction!

    Some of us play this game as a game and some of us play it a bit more seriuosly! When u invest time, energy and money in something what do u expect!

    Strip farming of ppl that dont contribute to a war they singned up for is nothing new in KAW! Happens all the time and ASW is no exception!

    If people are hitting u for bailing on them, then take the hits or fight back IMO.

    Anyway lets hope that all those ppl that joined and didnt contribute now learn there lesson as there were many across all 8 clans!

    I dont know the OP or his situation but did ask the reason why he wasnt active, might have miseed the reason but doesnt matter anyway!

    ITS a WAR Game so play it like one!
  16. I believe they deserve to get hit regardless, if they wern't going to be active, don't join! I'd be annoyed too with people like him if I was on his team.

    It's simple as, don't join if you can't commit.
    Then nothing will happen.

    Though props to you for appologising.
  17. Yeah I agree shouldn't join to be inactive but as for eb noobs we have only got the devs to blame for making epic battles such a big part of our game 
  18. What people need to do is post the ENTIRE list of inactive people from the ASW, rather than single out 3 or 4 accounts. One guy is a CM member, we are dealing with that issue separately... But a lot of these inactives come from a lot of different clans and I'll bet diamonds some of you guys whacking those that have been named actually share a clan with an inactive lol, so are you hitting them too or defending them??? If your going to name a few , name them all and let them share the pain. I'll say again that there should be a point when enough is enough, let them learn and change rather than farm into quitting... Is that a future you want? If Kaw stops making money , and more and more people quit, what do you think will happen to the game? For me personally id say have your fun, teach them all a lesson if you need to , but at the end of the day its better to educate and encourage , rather than despise and destroy. So let's bear that in mind.
  19. Don't know why you do t just gather all the inactives from ASW plus any supporters in one clan , gather all those that want vengeance in another clan , and whack it out for a while, at least it would be educational for them  and a whole lot of fun 
  20. Your apology is after some butt hurt I supposed? Well, since you knew war start at your sleeping hours and you just can't stay awake then shouldn't signed up in the first place. You expecting that you will be the only leak and opposite leak like hell and our team can win miraculously? That's not gonna happen isn't it? My guess is just for the achievement and door gifts which are now taken away. Kicked in the butt and leaked big in war, so after war getting butt kicked by your team mates' rage should be expected too :)