My apology to harbingers of death

Discussion in 'Wars' started by FeelThePain, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. Yes spy but did his actions alone cause the loss no and every clan had inactives and all you hear is the ones that lost moaning about it the clan that won had inactives yet they won with them why is that yes is is gutting that it comes once a year and I hope to be there next year but ppl need to under stand not every one will be active in every war thinks happen in real life that affect the GAME he had to go to work and earn money and maybe he should of dropped out but the next player may of been inactive so does this mean it is ok for him to be made feel bad about this after he said sorry well ask your self who is the bigger person really
  2. @At op if you weren't gonna be active why take a spot someone else who was gonna be active for the entire ASW
  3. Cuz even if he was they would not have gotten through cuz one person didn't cause the fall of the clan
  4. BCW, he played a major part in it. Don't deny it.
  5. He was still our biggest leak, so if our biggest leak was replaced for somebody that could have been our biggest hitter, then yes that is a game changer.
  6. As much as I want to farm each and everyone that was in death and didn't do crap, the clan that me and my wife settled in has a no farming rule, and I've been warned already no farming. I left WiT to be an EB noob, so just cuz I can't initiate the farming, I'd be glad to dish out what comes my way. He's the only one with a thread, I'm pissed at all our sleepers.
  7. I was in death, spent 1st four hours hitting leak space 180. We had many leaks. 4 wisely chose to leave when it was possible. To all the leakers, hope I never run in to you. To my brethren fighters I'd stand beside you any time any place.

    Times were given for each war, sleeping through most of first round is inexcusable.
    peace in out
  8. I'm not mad...Extremely irritated perhaps, but not mad.

    It's annoying that so many worked to hard to have our efforts dashed by so few. In the end, many from Death were left with a bad taste in our mouths for a variety of reasons including sleepers, admin nerfs, watching someone get opened for scouts on cc (yes folks, that actually happened), and the list goes on (ie. the same 2-3 people reporting incoming spy hits and asking how it was possible 6x or more, etc).

    I'm sure I had choice words for more than a few people, but in the end, this is a game.

    To the leakers and sleepers I'd Death, I don't accept your apologies (as I lost 8 hours I can't get back), but instead I am sorry for you. You missed out on an amazing opportunity to learn war mechanics from some of Kaw's original legends, and you squandered it.

    All in all, I'm proud to have fought alongside those who stayed the course, some to ungodly hours of the day. I hope I've earned a measure of your respect, because you have surely earned a healthy dose of mine.
  9. I'm sorry Shadow but now you're making no sense at all, "people won't be active in every war" lol.
    You do realise this is the All Star War? Once a year, people don't join the ASW and then go inactive, a simple "i'm sorry guys" doesn't cut it.

    Other clans that lost because of inactive noobs are farming those noobs too, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, you do noting in ASW, you get hit for a while.
  10. Look don't join a war and not be active ! Specially a ASW. That people have waited for all year. You should have never came to the clan. Other people could have took your place !
  11. It sounds like ftp is sorry and learned a lesson about war. Thanks for having the guts to apologize. You weren't the only leak. It was an 8 hour war...if you couldn't manage 10 successful actions an hour, chances are you were leaking at least in my opinion
  12. Bad noobs make it hard for the noobs willing to learn from masters, to be accepted and taught. Thanks guys for screwing it up for the ones who care to try.
  13. So, farming works as negative reinforcement.....
  14. maybe he is sorry, maybe he wants the farming to stop.
    How do you make sure?
    How about he resets and if the guys he helped screw over feel he is sincere we shall help him rebuild?

    This is not about being mad, much like others I kept pinning people in my clan. Even after a few players wanted to stop. I'm not asking for a replay, mad that I lost (I was pissed then though), or anything like that and have not farmed your brother - mostly because I did not have time to be sincere.
    I think that he is being made an example of (and trust me he is not alone) for various reasons
    1. We feel he (and other EB Rockstars) picked the ASW for the shiny badge and rewards
    2. Took spots from people who would have showed up and warred
    3. He did not bother to leave when he could have (see point 1.)
    4. He made up some bs excuse, I was there and can confirm that what -Panic- wrote is 100% correct

    And finally, it is done 'pour encourager les autres'
    This has nothing to do with being a big man, contrite, understanding, with the fact that others did it, etc.

    Some times life gives you EB noobs - you say - so be understanding

    I think that if life gives you EB noobs you squeeze them until they piss sweetened lemonade
  16. So hold on every clan had inactive including there team so was it feels fault but there there team also had inactives but they won so pin the blame all you want both teams had inactive players but they won with inactive players
  17. To BCW FeelThePain I was in death for ASW and it suck we had so many leaks but your the only one to step up to say your sorry. So thanks man in no war/sport is it one man fault.
  18. Thanks dinoeagle exactly that pal
  19. I find it funny you guys keep coming out with eb noobs, why are there so many eb noobs that's right it's because the DEV's are pushing it that way so why keep blaming the player.

    These people have to grow quick to try and get into half decent clans and the best way to do that is b2b ebs, unless you become a nob/cash account which to me is worse than a eb noob at least they are putting the hours into growing.

    We all know these inactives messed up but as with pwars days people will do whatever is needed to grow fast.

    So know we need to ask who is the better person the one has apologised on a forum or the one hitting a EB NOOB (your words not mine)