My apology to harbingers of death

Discussion in 'Wars' started by FeelThePain, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. Hello again Rihanna!

    I'm not sure if apology enough but it is good to see it...I was up from 1.45 am till the end-hitting every 5mins...I was exhausted. But stayed regardless of outcome.

    Know why?

    Because I was lucky to get in a clan for the ASW. I owed it to those waiting outside the door - ready and willing to war.

    THOSE are the ones you "sleeping leakers" need to apologise to.
  2. We had about 20 sleeper leakers in our ASW clan and I know 3-4 still being pinned!

    It's a real shame that these inactive selfish ppl Spoilt a already badly organsised ASW!

    We heard many excuses, some genuine and some that just felt like complete lies!

    I'm interested in what the actual reason was the OP was so inactive, anyone know?
  3. We were screaming in cc and were wasting our resources trying to pin him we just never got any response til the very end
  4. Did he have family issues, did his Internet go down, was there a natural disaster in his area, did power go out, did a relative need him, did a pet die, did a emergency at work happen, did alzhemiers kick in?

    What was it, I need to know or was he just not bothered?

    The reason why would go some way to appeasing ppl I guess and making ppl understand why he wasnt there for most of the war!

    Anyway well done to the champs of ASW 2012 and all those that took part and stayed active for all wars and kicked arse!
  5. It's done and dusted, we lost.

    I really don't know why people are bothered enough to hit anyone and as for defiant - way to go - you are showing your quality by hitting a guy who apologised.

    You're da man 
  6. "One person did not ruin it" Fail Logics. Please explain to me why you took a slot in an ASW that actual non EB noobs wanted?
  7. I am seriously pissed at OP. That said, I will accept the apology. I do not blame this single person for her/his poor choice in joining a war he/she had no intention of participating in.
    I am of the opinion that our opponents leadership did a better job of using the resources available to advance their position. The devs and a single noob did not lose the round.
    OP war in this game is supposed to teach you something. Though I am not happy with the result of the war I will take a few things away from the experience. I watched some good ideas not implemented. Some stupid suggestions in cc discarded. I saw a few folks who understand system wars, and I learned from them.
    My biggest disappointment was watching a well ranked player whine and moan and then quit around hour 4.

    Thank you those whose participation made this a positive experience despite the adversity we faced. I look forward to warring with, and against many of the Death team. Congratulations to Team Retribution for making the best of what was given to them.

  8. No allies...
  9. To answer the people who asked "what was his reason for being inactive"
    He said "the war started very late and he had to sleep"

    I asked "Why the hell did you join if you weren't going to be active"
    He said "it was the weekend and I didn't have anything else to do"

    lol...You have to have a chuckle at those answers.

    It was a huge let down on every team to get these idiots, some just got less than others.
    I spent the full 8hrs hitting from pin, didn't give away a single gold, to see idiots join like this that didn't give a toss pisses me off.

    Why on earth would you join a war then just go to sleep? You had better expect hits over this stupid behaviour.
  10. Lol, probably all teams had inactive players. We had a player A woke in last hour and told others don't hit me bro I'm active.
  11. Panic that is a lie he said he joind cuz it was the week end and could not join as he was called in to work if he new that a clan of 200 ppl was mad at him would he say "I could not be bothered" he has said sorry in fourm my I as the only inactive to do so yes it will not change any think but at least he had the nerve to do it
  12. Sounds like a valid reason to me lets not blame individuals for a badly organised and run warnthe Devs know they messed up a possible good thing
  13. I'm sorry Shadow were you there? Because that is exactly what he said to me in CC, if he got called to work, fair enough, he should have left the clan, not sit there and leak all night.

    I'm getting a bit confused now because someone said to me that he was a kid? That's why I cut him a little slack.
    Not many little kids get called into work at the last minute.
  14. Who told you that panic no I was not there but he is my brother and when you say expect hits are they off you? Why can so many ppl let it go apart from you
  15. Could always say if the actives earned alittle more they could have won that way 
  16. Lol in cc he did say something along the lines of the war started to late, although I didn't see where he said he had nothing better to do, but I was busy trying to find out who the pure spies with hidden allies were in the last minutes, so wasn't paying to much attention to cc.
  17. Start time defiantly didn't favour some time zones and lets be honest only one clan was ever gonna win it was hand picked to have the best chance 
  18. WOW all this and the guy said sorry talk about throwing back in some ones face did no one teach you guys manners as a kid i see some grown up ppl in here others need to sort there lives out hahaha and panic it is mainly you i see that has a bee in your bonnet why not accept his apology and grow up a little for god sake
  19. I'll give a great reason to not accept the apology, this comes around once a year, so we have to wait a whole year for another chance, just because some idiots sign up knowing they won't be active the first war. Their defense is probably well I coulda been in second and third, but guess what since we lost the first war there was no second.