Music suggestions?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aiden_is_alpha, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. Iron maiden is all you need
    Edit: Slash too
  2. I agree Meg Myers is phenomenal. You should check her out (if you like Alternative/Indie).
  3. I'm slightly disappointed the Beatles or Bon Jovi did not make the cut...
  4. Cannibal ox: cold vein. Amazing album.
    Com truise
    Dj shadow
  5. You want moo sick? You can probably get that from a cow. Or did you mean moose ick? I don't know why you'd want that but I'd recommend asking Moose about it.
  6. Lol well he did say he wanted new music, which doesn't clarify whom. And regardless of how they act, their music has made millions and is quite enjoyable imo. Does that mean i dont listen to older bands that are that way, no.
  7. Lmao