Multiple account use to same mobile

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Sean_TDT, Sep 30, 2015.

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  1. @Majoras

    You're the third bloody poster. Is it really necessary for you to quote the whole damn OP statement? Grow up already.
  2. GOW allows this. And has massive ads to promote their game. ATA is way behind in the times on this, hence the decline of their app. No ads, and restricts us due to TOU rules, which is almost 6 yrs ago.
    Add to this, yes I have a PC acct also. I have followed the ancient 6 yr old TOU to a tee. No way to use RL $ to buy. I am frustrated also
  3. What browser to use on iPhone? Preferably free
  4. Don't use safari.
  5. Gone over this before with Eagle in forums couple times. Couple years ago bunch of accts got banned for playing them through Puffin on mobile devices. Some time later devs/support UNBANNED some of them (for people that had enough initiative to challenge and prove they had the alts linked to a device )
    Afterwards support stopped answering questions about Puffin ...whether it was just tolerated or there was an official change of policy idk ..but all I know is many many people now use mult acct on one device (again as long as your using different browser for each one and each is linked to a device)

    but Saber is saying now u don't even have to be linked to a seperate device just played through a different browser. The multp PC accts is new to me but I know the seperate browser thing has been in effect for about a year now.

    ..just email support and ask them
  6. The terms of service has been updated regarding that.

    You may not do any of the following to Kingdoms at War:

    -create and/or use accounts through automated means or under false pretenses. This includes (but is not limited to) the creation of accounts with the intent of disrupting the gameplay experience of others, abusing and/or manipulating game elements, or engaging in activities that violate the Terms of Use.
    -create an excessive number of accounts beyond that which are realisticly playable
    -create accounts by providing false information, or using devices that you do not own
    -use accounts that do not belong to you

    You can use any internet browser that has flashplayer on a smart device to login kaw if able.
  7. The change they're talking about in this thread isn't the 1st change to mult accts TOU. Your right about the very beginning it was "only 2 accts allowed" (period ..regardless of how many devices you owned) then sometime around 2011-12 it read "1" per device then a 1.5 years after that the Puffin thing. So it's been a slow progression towards what it is today. I'm thinking the changes over time (or at least the wording) were so subtle that not many noticed (but a lot of people did notice) ..if it was still against TOU how is it Troll Val Bella all pretty hi profile accts (well known anyways ...bunch others) got away with it for so long if "only 2 accts" was still the case. How many does Balto have? bunch lol all (or many anyways) of his accts has "Balto" in the user name many in the same clans. It's not like any of them were trying to hide it. ....Pretty much everyone knows about em'

    And TBH to EFFECTIVELY use mult accts you really do need to have them on different devices in front of you ...ever play mult devices on a PC using a different browser for each one? It really is almost impossible to use them effectively in that way at least in a PvP/OSW battle ...just too slow switching back and forth between browsers, you'll get destroyed.

  8. lol because he wasn't fully aware of present wording of TOU regarding multi. accts he/she prob has mult accts and was fearful they'ld be banned lol's ok now OP 
  9. Who cares about stats when ppl post on forums? It's about the info in them not the size they posses..
  10. Question has been answered lock.
  11. This is true.
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