Mssg to the devs about EE and mith payout

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MaG-Deadpool-iC, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. On a sidenote and worth a mention at least from me:

    Hats off and thumbs up to Ryan at YAFI for having the most impressive KOs and mith payout. I have to admit after trying 2-3 times, I gave up trying to challenge/beat him... He made me realise how noob I am (or how slow my internet connection is) and that's the totally demoralised lame excuse I'll give to our war clan for sleeping during wars or joining late nowadays

    Ryan the K.O God
  2. I Would agree that equip got me too make the jump to warring; but two years of play is abit over the top. Maybe bonus for win streaks, min amount of self ko's (yes killing yourself to save plunder is cheez), and individual bonuses as well; to encourage style, strategy and original thought.
  3. I think current levels are fine, with the occational double mith campaigns. Finally there is something in the game that is hard for everyone to achieve, that you cant just open your wallet to get.
  4. Stenkan the people stocked up like LB got it pretty easy. 
  5. Enchanted costs lower
  6. Suggest: Mith cost equip about correct for long term. Losers in ee war should get spelled mith back providing no forfeit. Forfeit=0 mith back. Winners get more mith than losers ofc. Matchups do need seriously improving with Devs placing more emphasis on numbers for matching.
  7. I like your idea about the ff silph. Support 
  8. I also have been to war a couple time. I talking for people who warring. Dev bring back a good running in KaW again with EE but the new thing like mostly of the people say: new item and miths payout in war. To buy item and enchant that item until max level people need a lot of miths but the only way to get miths is war, seeming like people have not really happy with the payout but the point I trying to say is good to keep pay out so( also good if increase) but also should refund 30%-50% miths spent to losing side back by that mean people will enjoy to war more and I quite sure it will increase participle in war. It just my opinion for the payout hope u will support it
  9. Also I would like to mention I'm not receiving my def pots back after war and I haven't for at least 4 WINNING. wars now development please msg me
  10. I can make about 50 Mith per war with this build I can probably manage 2/4 wins in we, equalling 100 Mith a week, (I don't use the most expensive pot, you could probably make 20 extra Mith with that) X 50 weeks in a year, I count 5000 Mith, with your estimate of 3000-4000 Mith to get all equip that should cover it easily. If you only do 2 wars, then maybe be a bit more active or be a better warrior, if you don't win 2/4 join a better warring clan.
  11. @Jass99 no offence but I don't believe u, I maybe wrong. What clan was this in?
  12. The next war ill send you a link to the clan history
  13. I do support raising mithril payout however only by a small increments (10% maybe) or as a risk of more mithril. I also have an idea, people may sacrifice a level of their estoc edge(which is a boost in gold) in order to gain a small sum of mithril? It would yet endorse wars and people would be gaining less in epic battles.
  14. Playing as a normal human being or 2+ years for those new pala equip is just absurd lmao. People who had thousands of mith stock from previous mith sales saying "mith payout is just fine" are laughable. Are you serious? Do some maths, lmao.
    Support for OP.
    With this payout after two years new equips will come out and people will still be trying to get some piece of pala equip...ahahahaha...that's totally absurd 
  15. I think he is right. The mith payout from wars is ridiculous. Support
  16. So I did two EE this weekend, at KR with a small roster. Lost one, won one (great fights Shadowlands
  17. Yea, it's ridiculous, I heard from someone who spent 1,000 mith getting plate body to level eight...
  18. So I did two EE this weekend, at KR with a small roster. Lost one, won one (great fights Shadowlands and Fury, respect!). I used 30 mith, won 65 mith (in a tight war, full 4 hrs). So you dont have to b an accountant to calculate that I wont b able to ever buy all new perm items with mith and enchant them. So please devs take this into account. An occasional double mith weekend wont fix this.