So because a lb player drinks more frequently they deserve more beer in their pint than the next customer that frequents the bar. Just to continue that analogy. Erm nope. Pay for a seal during a moth drop promo should it should pay the same. Pay for gold and your burning your money at a defined rate you already know. That's your choice to waste your money if you have a small account. Run a promo and claim its a holiday giveaway. Action for action needs to be fair to all that pay to play. What I am arguing for is a set rate of return A set value for events like this that can be quantified to make it clear and transparent to customers. There is no point whatsoever in saying we are setting the level at this many moth. And then turn around and say but the moth drops are either stacked in one type of players Favour. Or worse yet say well we made it totally random what you get for your money. That's like paying for a pint and getting anything between 1/10 to a whole pint for your money. But I guess if you don't want transparency and a set reward for your money there's not much I can do about it.
Yeah! Thats what I'm saying... There should be additional perks for players that have paid their dues, don't like keep hitting and pay your own dues... I don't think thats the case but it it were, i don't think they should hide the fact that it is. Im not high on the LB's but i hit these ******* EB's everyday for last 3 years, i expect to be rewarded for that dedication. I assume ppl bitching dont have jobs, cause in job-land those that work the longest get additional perks.
I got 17k moths without much effort and without using not even a single xtal for this. Thank you WuDi! That was my goal...i get the best 2 items, same as LB players. I can't see where is the problem :-/ MAYBE they'll get a shiny badge and I don't? I'll but butthurt of course but I think I'll survive.
How many moths you got DK? if you have leas than 20k its cause your ******* lazy or dumb - one of those. I have over 24k and its not cause im big, its cause im a maniac that spends too much time on Kaw
I averaged about the same, if not more in moths than people with much higher bfa than me. Sometimes with less actions.
Look at ur beer analogy like this, a guy goes to a bar for 5yrs n a guy for 1yr, who is more likely to get a free beer, it's not the size u get but what u get
Im guessing OP is butthurt bc he didnt get 25k moths... :roll: please explain again how the greedy devs gave u free stuff and how horrible they are. :roll: U pay more, u get more thts a fact of life.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lmfao at the maniac who spends too much time on kaw. Lazy if you have a real life and don't spend it all on kaw One day I will understand that remark. Today won't be that day tho. And I think you missed my point as to what the issue was. But hey ho. Have fun
I don't agree. Lb players are active to keep on the leaderboard. If they get more moth drops perhaps it's cause they hit the eb harder. I've done pretty well and know if I was active 24/7 plus xtalled I would be up near the top.
Guess what? This is a video game, that happens to be free to play! NOT A ******* BAR So your bar analogy can piss the **** off. Bigger players that spend more money on a free to play game deserve to be better rewarded than a player thats a year, 6 months, or younger who doesn't spend money. Get the **** over it. The day that a player who doesn't spend any money, half as much time daily, or is not very big can rival and best an enormous, very active player is the day kaw dies. This is an event handing out free awards for activity and participation, choosing to run nml b2b or buying seals and xtals is on the person him/herself. Thank the devs for some free equip, seals, horns, , and shut the **** up!
Facepalm. Really people cannot read. Larry. Erm hate to break it to you the example used two players spending the same amount of money. Please read the whole argument before posting. Vengeful. It's not a free game anymore. That's part of my issue. Read the defining terms of being able to achieve all goals in a game without expenditure paying in free to play apps. With money merely speeding up growth. And that isn't even what I'm saying here though. What I am saying is that devs need to make it clear what you are paying for. Notorious. Please show me one place where I have asked the devs for anything for myself. What I have asked for is equal reward for all players for equal payment in the game. Maybe you should ask them to make xtal purchases give random amounts of xtals for your next purchase when you comment next. unless you comment on what I actually posted. Anyway. I have said all I have to say on this and more. Hopefully the point has got across ( but i don't think so from some responses) and I'm outta this thread. Happy kawing
One day once everyone leaves and LB stay.... kaw will die slowly. Just wait until your loyal fans find some other pass time, everyone is catching up to you devs lol
BK - sounds like your pissed because you spend more time in RL than playing Kaw. Thats my point, no way should ppl that spend less time in Kaw be rewarded same as those that are maniacs like myself. Also, don't confuse my Kaw obsession with having no life... I have a full time job, hot BMW and make damn near 100k per year... Also, don't spend much money on this game, but i am pretty damn active. So, thats how i got here, over 3 years of hitting them EB's
Dark you said its not a free game anymore. Care to explain? I didn't used xtals yet I'll get same items as the big spenders...