No luck, I fear you misunderstood. I haven't tested on an eb but I can do today, however in PvP, I can get around 750m for first steal with bomb etc, once I get to my glitch spies (which are already substantially weaker than non glitch spies hitting from pin) I earn around 700k-2m. Still get event items though. As for eb drops, I suspect they're tied to a plunder formula rather than a damage / actions one, I've seen little to no evidence that DAMAGE per hit = more plunder / end bonus. I'll test glitch spy eb plunder today and update Edit: just to clarify luck, attack glitch and spy glitch works differently, there's no MAP for spies.
Tested on Destroyer, same equip/allies/spells active, hit during the same phase of the eb on the same bar of the eb. 2933862268 - 51 actions 2933271563 - 36 actions. Difference = 644705. So yeah, glitch spies give barely any plunder increase. (Even less than I thought tbh)
On HTE, without the triple bonus, 50% more, without Crux, without BR, without 6% from Equipment, without All the other extras. What I heard from Legend of Kaigarate and Cella are: 500M per hit on average with Top 100 on Allies LB. and this was before the Air Lands were introduced. Now..... Who knows how much can be earned. Probably in the 1 to 2B per hit range. Ouch!
Just felt like adding if you build the eleven temple and skim right near the end of your bar with one hit left, it should regen about 125 troops until you let it fully regen or you use your entire bar. So you can skim right at the end of your bar while hitting 5 times every 5 minutes.