Most dangerous 2009 player.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by chaossss, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. I iz mozt dangerous playa of 2009 and i wasnay even apart of it
  2. Bruh. You iz nub.
  3. Whoever does not mention me in this is sure to die.
  4. Don't get too defensive bro...
  5. I'd have to say Bob Lee swagger.
  6. me back in the day 1k cs gym lad

  7. Val is the most dangerous if you count all his accounts :lol: he's got an army.
  8. who ever was #1 on the lb at the time, you could only grow by quests or hitting other players
  9. V3nom
  10. TruePlayer
  11. Id have to say none because this is a game.
  12. ^idk tapping your screen 18 times may hurt someone
  13. I cri evri tiem
  14. Hey, I'm the original owner of my account! No one would buy it, despite it's long, finely tuned aging process...

    My vote is any of the old iG.

    Or KingdomOfWolves.
  15. TruePlayer
  16. Has anyone else noticed op is a statless alt that was created just for forums probably? Only has 1 achievement lol
  17. learn how to spell noob