
Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mictecacihuatl, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. Raw, grow up boy. About 0% of the people in kaw want to hear what you say. So learn to shut up. A noob talking crap should just leave kaw. You are a waste of everyone's time
  2. Um. No :)  because I do as I wish, you and nobody else can tell me what to do or how to play. You should realise that. Isn't it enough that everyone thinks you're a failed idiot? Why do you have to prove it?
  3. Raw, you are setting the worst example here. Grow up, noone would want to decrease their hard earned stats, unlike you, who is too scared to grow and talk craps.
  4. right. because i can sprout a load of buildings out my ass and grow to your sizes. stop saying im too scared to grow. its illogical.

    youre too scared to come down to me if you think youre so tough then show me.
  5. Raw, are you that dumb? If you said so, prove and grow. Lmao we have trained our hard earned stats like I said, noob. You are a waste of time.
  6. im only a waste of time because you make me one. dumb idiot.

    why dont you all just leave me alone if you want me gone
  7. Raw, you only have yourself to blane, you made yourself into this situation, if you had not stated, "who is the moron, is it someone that has been silenced or someone that fail attack". So yoy got yourself into thismess.
  8. [​IMG]

    This thread has turned into nothing but flaming good work.
  9. it was flaming to begin with. read the post.

    and no. i like this. its fun and entertaining for me. all of you are my puppets and i am your master. haha
  10. Raw, you are just a noob who like to piss people off but apparently you failed your job.
  11. The OP had nothing to do with flaming. All it was is showing what failures are.
  12. Be gentle naomi :D
  13. it was calling them out, probably with an underlying desire to get a rise out of them. flaming.

    and nope. i warned a laugh and i got one, actually i got quite a few. so i didnt fail. anything else you want to add?
  14. I wonder whether naomi have more ss to edit, I keen to look at it :|
  15. All that's been edited out is her time zone.
  16. Self pinning towers? Is that a new update?
  17. Much farm. Many pin. Such fails. Wow.
  18. If calling other players out like this is flaming, then SO many war threads are flaming. And since they aren't considered flaming, you're wrong.

    Though you could ask a mod of their opinion, or email support if you don't agree.

    Btw, they will say the same thing

    Though... Falsely accusing someone of breaking ToU is against ToU. So..
  19. Raw has stats like THAT after 2 whole weeks?  God, he really does suck! LOL!

    On topic: Funny screen shots, Naomi!... 