More Events Like The Skulls one

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -X-Death-X-, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. You obviously didn't read anything other than the op, someone on the last page got 80k bb between two accounts with just 10$ (to make up for a day of inactivity)

  2. He used Xstals and was in an HTE clan.

    He may have not paid more that ten bucks, but he still had to drop a few SOD's to get where he was going.

    Also I doubt his honestly.

    Again, the event cost too much.
    and you must be in an HTE clan/ Money Pit clan, to get anything decent.
  3. We have Blood Rains for that. I think clans should be allowed to choose what ebs they like rather than be forced to
  4. @rusted

    I earned those seals for free so how can you begrudge that? My alt got three seals from top 100 in the last pvp event that u didn't lose items in (the one with greaves as a reward)

    The 10 bucks I spent on Xtals I wouldn't have needed to spend if, as sora says, I ground harder, but I had a day off.

    You can do well in events for free, it's just about having the resourcefulness and enough time to do it
  5. As for pvp event, one account got 3000 skulls from being top 50(xtal free). In what world is that poor rewards?
  6. Nah because he got to seals for free, you can get into a hte clan without paying as he explained
  7. 5k
    no hte
    no xtals
    top 100/15K pvp
    very expensive indeed
  8. The funny thing for me is.....

    I only care about the equips...
    No equips. Will not participate.
    Ugly equips. Will not participate.
    Rogue-like equips. Will match my other equips B)

    But if there's seal/horn might try...