Moral (An Idea)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by jleon5117, May 8, 2014.

  1. Hi there folks. I have an idea but it's a broad one at that. So I need your help for feedback and what not.

    The idea is to introduce a moral mechanic into kingdoms at war. Moral? Why that? I came up with the idea because moral is a key factor in war. When the troops have high moral they so better and when it's low they tend to do bad.

    So my idea is to make the moral mechanic benefit both the pvp and pve aspect in the game.

    Lets say the clan wins 5 straight wars bringing the moral of every soldier/spy from every member in the clan high. Then they would do an EB that has a low drop rate or low plunder just for the fun of it. Since the moral is high the drop rate and plunder rate would increase and the higher the moral the better.

    Now if the moral is low then the clan would get negative effects. Meaning even lower drop/plunder rate.
  2. Oops my bad thanks for the correction. Sucks that I can redo it since I'm not in a computer :/.
  3. That's estoic edge
  4. I remember posting something like this
    it's called "building rebellion" also about morale but not like this kind of morale

    this kind of morale is called estoc edge already in game
  5. Vengeful beat me to it :(