Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide Its so easy even a caveman can do it ::grunt grunt:::
Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide PLEASE RESPOND! After red attack bar regens after the first fail will the bar regen again to 100%?
Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide Does the health regen to 100% more than 1 time? I'd still like to know why dev's made this eb over my idea. (as shown below inspired by developer Wendy) [Colored in red if bbcode works] SoupNazi wrote: Dear all mighty Developer Wendy, NO SOUP FOR YOU! On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 6:08 AM, ATA Support <> wrote: __________________________________ Type your response ABOVE THIS LINE to reply SoupNazi Subject: Castle: Kingdoms at War JUN 17, 2012 | 03:07AM PDT Wendy replied: Greetings gentle SoupNazi, As much as I, too, would love a war game with a gastronomical bent, such as the one you have hinted at in your choice of building substitutions, I am afraid your kingdom lacks the resources for a full-scale conversion to a soup-based economy at this time. As it stands, the recent goblin raids have caused a severe shortage of wooden spatulas, without which one could certainly not equip a proper soup kitchen. Furthermore, with the recent iron shortage, the majority of pots and pans have been melted down to be reforged into cymbals and wind chimes—two vital components in the kingdom's ongoing defense against imp incursions. This leaves your kingdom with nothing in which to house any soups, save for baking pans. And I daresay no soup prepared or served in a baking pan would be worthy of the name. I would suggest first resolving the spatula crisis and neutralising the imp threat, as well as re-establishing your stockpiles of iron; thereafter, I am certain that this soup regime of which you speak would begin to approach feasibility. JUN 17, 2012 | 09:38PM PDT Original message SoupNazi wrote: Hello, SoupNazi here from Kingdoms at War. My castle on Kingdoms at War is very disappointing, it does not have a Soup Kitchen for me. Since I am the SoupNazi, I deserve to have a Soup Kitchen for my Castle. Also, I'd appreciate it if you made my building's different type's of Soup's. Shh...Dont tell anybody this, but if you give me a SoupKitchen in my Castle, I will give you Soup! If not, No Soup For You! (Keine Suppe Fur Sie!) Sincerly, SoupNazi
Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide The "red bar thing" will regenerate over and over again unless you kill it in 30 min
Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide Lol soup! I'm asking same Q for spl. Sitting here waiting for blitz with full troops. -_-
Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide SPL has waited over 30 mins for red bar to regen ( We failed first time getting ready for blitz with the whole 30 min ) It never regen. Looks like bar only regens to 100% once.
Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide Yes the red bar regens over and over again im on 4th regen so far but it has passed 30 mins mark so not sure whats happening now??????