Mooses very low effort guide, now with crappy update

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Moose2, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. this is hilarious
  2. This is utterly retarded.

    Most of the people here are brown nosing idiots who couldn't see real humor if it smacked them in the face with an iron gauntlet.

    It's an armored glove. Deal with it.
  3. This puts wulfs guide to shame
  4. how? it's just a guide moose put up before wulf had a chance to but then she/he put the guide up of what they saw
  5. This deserves to be in Off Topic this has nothing to do with KaW...
  6. This is by far my favorite guide. The picture of the dragon makes it so much more than just a guide... It's almost like a guide with pictures . No really please make more of these because they have that special something that wulf's guides lack.
  7. I agree with the guy who said it belongs in best of. Not a very good guide per se but damn funny especially with the scribbled writing update

  8. I love this guide it shows hard work put into it
  9. What's the EB?
  10. Barren orchard

    Also lulz
  11. Great Post!!!!
  12. Jesus Christ. Did this really need a sticky?
  13. Unsticky this.
    It is ridiculous that this has been stickied because a mod made it and that they could sticky it.

    It was alright when wulfs guide hadn't been updated, but now it has it should be removed. If not, then there are a lot of other posts that should be stickied as well.

    I find this very unfair, as I have seen players make guides as good and better than this, then be hated on because there is wulfs guide to look at and that it is unnecessary. Well this is pathetic to say the least, and fair enough have it stickied for 24 hours. But to keep it stickied is just plain unjust.


    (Hate me out Moose and mod fanboys, it's going to happen).
  14. Nice catch. Yes it was.
  15. Finally moose something to appreciate
  16. @Anarchy Belle stickied it not Moose. Your arguement is invalid.
  17. This is a VERY detailed guide
    It taught me pretty much everything I know about KaW

    If all guides were like this, I'de be Chongo_Hombre by now!

    Rated #1 guide of the year