Mooses very low effort guide, now with crappy update

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Moose2, Jun 27, 2012.

  2. Sprx, brown nose moar. Without moose, the FORUM may be without a small measure of humor, but we will live on.
  3. Good guide moose, don't need my support but ya got it anyway.
  4. Lol I love that update! When I saw that, I couldnt stop laugh! Lol! Moose you make this games very enjoyable! Lmao!
  5. This is funny, but stickied?
  6. Best of please
  7. Next time Moose, I'd appreciate a heads up before you post my picture.
  8. Wow the amount of brown nosing on this thread is amazing. If anyone in forums, and i mean anyone posted this thread instead of moose they would have received a lot of hate but since its moose everyone wants to get their head up right there.

    This should be unstickied sinces wulf has updated his guide and its a lot better than this.
  9. Brown nose? XD never heard that phrase b4....

    No seriously, I hav'nt
  10. Floppy - shut up.
  11. Floppy, your not wrong :lol:
  12. Hey floppy, that's cause people actually like moose. Maybe you don't know the feeling, you should try it sometime. It's called a joke man, if you don't have a sense of humour, go read Wulf's colourful guides.
  13. Brown nosing - its a term used when someone sucks up to someone. Their head is up someones ass.

    Xtreme please take your head out of moose's ass.

    PS. Its spelt haven't

    Ibb dont be retarded. Yes it is funny but does it deserve a sticky? No
  14. Those are nice paint skills moose
  15. lmao of moose :)
  16. Moose is the only one that could pull this off lol. So much more to the point. Like the item some thing you stick to your leg or something like that lol moose
  17. Nice update! Great handwriting 