Mooses very low effort guide, now with crappy update

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Moose2, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide

    Me so noob. Waz a sticky. Waz it do
  2. Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide

    @ Moose: where do u get all these weird moose pictures u use in forums? Do u find meese (yes, meese) outside and take pics of them?
  3. Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide

    Yes, the behavior changed. Moose please either update or lock and let it die. As always get correct info from wulf's guide.
  4. Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide

    Added on to the 25% regen every thirty minutes. It seems that the red troll bar regens to.
  5. Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide

    Lmao. Thanks moose very informative and worth a laugh. ๎’๎’
  6. Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide

  7. Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide

    Does the regen timer start after you kill troll?
  8. Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide

    I will give this a quick update tonight. ;-)
  9. Re: BARREN ORCHARD: Mooses very low effort guide

    Moose love the dragon!
  10. Guide updated!
  11. That's way better๎€Ž
  12. So... If any newer player made a guide like this, they would be trolled into oblivion.

    Seems pretty legit.
  13. I used a red crayon and everything.
  14. But now it's more confusing!
    I'm a simpleton that likes simple, low-grade, guides!๎‘
  15. If this is a joke, why did you sticky it? :/
  16. Moose, you should rewrite all of Wulf's threads to make them as easy to read and beneficial as this.
  17. I like the Dragon, Waffles for effort xD!
  18. Some day mine will be as good as wulfs
  19. Nice update moose! Its idiot proof I hope