Mooses top 10 list

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Moose2, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. How about getting rid of WC in chat window during war?
    I'm tired of seeing ads n RP while tapping targets and watching for orders
  2. As always I support moose and his ideas best mod ever!!!!
  3. All good but #1 should be a war in Aussie prime time
  4. Yeahh player bios seem more appropriate than banners. :( miss gaw
  5. i really support the kaw clock idea i thought about that before n that would be a really good idea
  6. Support. Devs haven't changed much of the core gameplay since I've been here as it's nice to see suggestions :D
  7. No Support on bronze bars being like the stock market banking in them already suck -8mil per 1 bb sold which isnt much till you sale in bulk

    I can see the bb market crashing already, lb an heavys got tons of bb stashed not to mention osw peeps which pepsin turn makes me ponder are you trying to help the kawmunity as a whole or Jus looking to screw over all the semi new peeps
    (Disclaimer: no offense intended Jus my 2 cents)
  8. I like it, good points, especially 5(!)
  9. You know what, I would also see more to do with the mithril, although it is good how it is, how about an equipment trading system? Like, the nether realm breast plate for a certain amount of mithril, bronze bars, or another piece of equipment!
  10. 8 Seeing Kingdoms :is a no brainer I want that ability
    7 Inactive Timer : if ONLY seen by current owner.

    "Hey Wanna hire my ally? It gets reset in 100 days."

    "Ya Ok " *Hires ally resets in 10 hours

    "Thx See ya sucker"
  11. Moose.

    You have to let it go mate,
    Let it go.

    It has been months since the devs stripped you of your orange and turned you green.

    I know it broke the only feeling you had left and double your responsibilities as a moderator. But you are living in the past.

    This is a part of you, a good part, but one that no longer exist. You can always remember this time, but you may never have it back. That is how the past works.

    It's time to say goodbye to Orange, drop the rainbow, and embrace the pres
    ent and future.

    Accept it Moose, or be stuck living in the past with the rest of the winos and inactives.

  12. A couple of my own ideas to consider adding to the many great ones suggested so far.

    1- A battle list that can identify and record atk actions on profiles access via the bl.

    Ex. After opening a profile found off the battle list, atk actions will be recorded in its own catagory as long as you do not travel away from the opened profile. Leaving the profile would require you to go back to the home screen and re enter bl.

    -Possible exclusive achievements, rewards, eq...
    -Separately categorised battle stats.

    Abuse of the system

    Possible Alternative of above idea. A tab on main page similar to bl.

    *-Kaw Raw-*

    This is a mode that will disable atk actions on ebs, quest, hunts/events ect (basically you can only attack other kingdoms)
    Once Kaw Raw is activated the disabled functions will remain disabled for a set amount of time. Say 24/72/100hr selectable options. *each length of time will have differently tailored challenges and rewards.

    -All atk actions performed will be recorded under its own category.

    -You now have enable the ability to earn unique achievements and rewards/bonuses/eq. (Example, 5000 successful steals on enemy kingdom reward .5%bounse to spy defense. )

    -Possible Eq that is exclusively earned through certain objectives requirments. (Successfully pin 14 enemy kingdoms in x amount of time.)

    Pretty rough ideas but there is potiental
  13. Support to 80% this will help KaW evolve. The control of clans sounds great.
  14. No support #2. Easily abused. There's a kick and lock door option. Use it .
  15. Ability to kick inactives in war again. They bleed 6-7 bil through plunder and attack ko. If I person is not mithed or 0 actions and hasnt reported within the first 15 minutes, you know it's an inactive.