Mooses top 10 list

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Moose2, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Private clan page only members can see
  2. Love all these, so support!
  3. Why should they only be able to silence me?
  4. Love all ideas but if iPhone gonna take one of androids we should get one of iphones like being able to copy ca and not having to make a new one every time.
  5. Allow android to see more than top 50lb
  6. How about just having an active ally shop :)

    I hate sitting there for ages
  7. Number one thing I would like is better LB.

    This game is all about numbers... and all we have is ally lb, overall lb, battles and Completions.

    There are literally hundreds of statistics and leaderboards that could be added. Example - all time ee plunder...

    Would also be cool as hell if there was a way to record strips for a LB. Somehow making pvp or osw part of a LB could be cool. Could also suck and very a fail. My ideas are running thin...
  8. Moose , on this personal KO item.

    Whats to keep someone from sitting on a small account and racking up dtw to pad their personal KO stats?
  9. I suggest any pvp bonuses or dtw/ko stats only can be gained thru BL. Keep abusers from gains by farming alts or small accounts
  10. would be nice to be able to sell old equip, aqua and inferno, don't think anybody in the game would object
  11. SUPPORT to all ideas.

    The KAW bank - that idea I would love to expand on.

    We should get interest on our Bronze Bars being in savings for all this time.

    If we want to keep the games "theme" in check...then make the Eastern Paladin Credit Union or something.

    The betting of arrows was a step in the right direction. You could angle the betting toward bronze bars...since their original intent was never really released. We already had a banking system.

    A stock market system really doesn't fit with KAW's theme...but make it something close.

    The Underground Trade system of something.

    SOMETHING. I am always in need of new things. Doooooo ittttttttttt!
  12. With PvP... I wonder if some reluctance in approving the out of system PvP has to do with active players.

    Eventually that hurts the bottom line you would think. As some people just quit the game all together. Especially when it's not a clan war type of game play.

    I'm not a very good KaW player I would say, but I have thought the EE system set up was the way go.

    Maybe a reworking the system war setup would help some. People will always try to game the system, but it shouldn't stop ATA from making improvements most will enjoy. It wouldn't take much. Add some small reward for doing them.
  13. I always liked the idea to promote more clan loyalty like a clan store. You have to declare (click button) to perm at a clan.

    Than clan member could trade stuff in a clan store extra inferno,aqua,mith,equip ect. If you left the clan you lose any benefits gained from the store.
  14. I like the idea of betting with bronze bars. I really like that idea a lot! Nice extra use for them
  15. KAW Pawn Shop

    since were all now oberloaded with usless equop. Some slots i got 4-5 extra equip i will never use. So set up a pawn shop where we can trade these is for say xstals,aqua,inferno,mith
  16. Support to all, but not know GaW banner. Also major support to #8. Android can see build as is, not lame writing like iOS devices