Monthly or Bi-Monthly PSA

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Kezzer, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Players will complain about ANYTHING though
  2. Communication between devs and players is what this game is lacking. Yeah they appear on random threads from time to time, mostly their own.

    Doings a monthly or bi monthly update log for the players would be great, it would give us as the community and idea of where things are going, and what is to come. The more active a conduit (kaw_com I'm lookin at you) the better relationship between community and devs would be.
  3. We will never end baby.
  4. Would the "PSA" be a forum thread? Or do envision another form of delivery like an announcement screen every time you start the game?
  5. Most likely a forum thread that is advertized upon launch of the game in a similar way to which events are.
  6. Isn't it the same as the forums/news/announcements category that already exist? It's just barely ever used.
  7. Would be great if a mod could highlight this idea to the devs ;)
  8. Support
  9. Great to see so much support :) Hopefully something similar to this can be implemented as it has multiple benefits with the only real downside to it being time needed to produce the PSA which if it's on a monthly or bi-monthly release it wouldn't require too much time in relation to how often it would be released.
  10. I would really enjoy this!
  12. Will do, and support!
  13. Thanks daph
  14. Support to the devs timeline.

    But I honestly don't care what our well known forumers have to say :)
  15. I am bumping this thread for the sake of the human race