money spent on xtals for t4

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BIG_THRILLS, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Every company has a different customer service policy. For some folks who bother to ask for a refund of the difference of the sale price, this may be the differentiating factor.

    Here's an example:

    Everyone knows that you can usually find electronic equipment from online auction sites for much cheaper than you can at a retail location. However, most retail locations will offer you a 30 day exchange/refund policy, whereas the online auction site usually does not.

    I do not shop at online auction sites because I prefer the security of knowing that I can walk into the store and get a full refund if I'm not satisfied with my product or to get a refund of the price difference if it goes on sale. I do this at the expense of paying higher prices for products.

    To me, that's what the differentiating factor is between companies I do business with versus companies I cease doing business with. I know I'm just one paying customer, but I don't stand for getting screwed over by a company.

    If ATA doesn't compensate me for the price drop of T4 buildings, I will cease doing business with them - it's that simple. I'll just go with a company that treats their customers better.

    It's not whining. It's not complaining - I'm just making an informed spending decision.
  2. A game is not an investment that gains value per say. Do u demand your money back after spending 15 dollars in quarters trying to beat killer instinct at the arcade room? How about 100 dollars? No..
    But you put your money in the machine to win.. Right?.. Grrr oh well

    Take the experience and enjoyment and the plethora of emotions that kaw can envelope its users in and be happy about it.

    Its a game:) games carry risk.

    Besides.. What do u expect from a "free" app. Lol
  3. Not a fair comparison.
  4. Yes it is lol
  5. So when you play KaW, you expect to walk away from it with a fresh start from the beginning every time you open the app?
  6. You have that option buddy:)
  7. With KaW, there is the understanding that the time and money you've invested will perpetually be there. Even after you walk away from the app for a day, week, or months.

    This is NOT the case with arcade games.
  8. Games evolve. Thats all. Nothing will be gained of demanding compensation for what is essentially an impulse buy. This is the new arcade room in my opinion.

    Im not saying dont pursue what u believe in but id rather not see so many upset about this.
    U said it yourself. The world is more beautiful outside. So when kaw turns an ugly shade in your eyes step away for a while.
    Who wouldnt want monetary returns in general? I admit i would. Ive been pissed as hell at many a game including this one. I just think the warranty is expired on this mmo since ive had it for close to 2 years.
  9. i doubt that you really used the real money your country flag is normal flag
    people who say something like this always one who didnt pay real money
  10. Ive wasted over a thousand dollars on this game lol
    Sure half of that was gifts or money i would have wasted elsewhere but im cool with that. I had an addition i swear it.
  11. Addiction*
  12. KaW is an investment hobby. It pays off in ways that bring me satisfaction.

    ATA developers are about to do something I find dissatisfying.

    I will be resetting my account and walking away permanently should they choose to follow through with the 50% sale without compensating us.
  13. It wouldn't be so upsetting if the refund value stuck to what you paid for the building. Come on, how difficult could it be for the devs to tag existing T4 buildings for regular gold refund? It's not like their dealing with graphics, it's all insert picture here
  14. What if you where to get the same return for deleting a T4 that u would have received before this sale next week? Provided u built it before the sale..
  15. Not good enough.
  16. It would be good enough for me, and, earlier someone referred to my flag not showing a purchase, if you spend 99.99 on 168 xtals, news flash there genius, it doesn't show up on your flag...
  17. Well i will try to quit if they cant restore 3G to my ATA apps(serious issue with the app-devs working on it for me now) but since i paid 3.99 for this Flash app i will probably just play it the inconvenient way forever.

    As for the sale and T5 i cant wait to see what happens with it all.
  18. We want some refund or we stop play!
  19. I don't get why everyone wants refund now. I say no support to refunds. Why is it that every update KaW does is met with a petition?

    On a more related note, it's your own fault for using xtals to speed up your conversion to t4. The only thing I have purchased is the pro packs, and currently have 0 xtals/nobs. Do I feel compelled to purchase xtals using my hard earned money just to speed up converting by a day or two? No, I do not. I prefer to take my time with things, and get the most out of them.
  20. To all you who say 'If ATA doen't reverse dicision about t4 we will quit', I hope you all do quit. All it takes is one bad update in your eyes and you are acting like an overspoiled brat who just didn't get something he/she wanted. Sure you paved the way for the noobs, but isn't that how it always is? When something is first released, the trailblazers have to find out what to do, how to do it, and then how to do it easier for everyone else. Should you suck it up and stop complaining, or should you quit because you did something a little bit harder then the next person? Look in real life, how life IS NOT FAIR. This is a fact, and always has been. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can move on and do the best you can with what you got.