I've come close to being silenced lol. Then majesty gave me a stern talking to lol. I've been pro-mod ever since
Twice???? I've never been silenced. They are all really nice to me fir whatever reason...always just warning me lol
I've been silenced once. I put up eminem's quotes on my wall. I had 52 of them. But I bypassed... :lol:
I got silenced for posting the same Message only twice, it was unfair so i emailed the devs. They understood, but that pretty much ruins my mod application i got an email back and everything
Even though I angered Benny with my antics (lulz), I never hold anything against him. Mods have to do mod things, they applied for it so now they must do their jawb.
there was a lot more hate when cor was locking all those threads and silencing people for saying stfu and gtfo. however, i agree with you. people dont realize this is a 9+ game and if you don't have mods, the pedos, racists, and bypassers would all run free and little 9 year old children innocence would be ruined. mods are very necessary to the game.