Moderater Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheFrenchFrog, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. Shiny 7 day achievement you have there op! Plus, shouldn't a mod guide be made from... What's the word... Oh yes! A mod!(or at least an experienced player)
  2. This helped me..
  3. There's already a thread on this...
  4. I've learnt something new today, unfortunately this thread had nothing to do with it
  5. Already one like this..
  6. YES! I got my post in before midnight! See you next Sunday!
  7. Hate hate hate Troll troll troll :shock:
  8. Moderator*
  9. Where did you learn all that Sherlock?
  10. Your soo smart
  11. Thanks for bumping pointless threads... :|
  12. :roll: that's obvious op...